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[ Events ] Prize wheels are rigged


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On 2017-01-20 03:56:53Show All PostsDescending Order
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Listen, i understand sometimes bad luck happens, but i have now spinned both the "lucky star" wheell and the "Try your luck" wheel dozens of times, and i have got the EXACT prize every single time on each. on the first the wheel absolutely always lands on 3 stars and on the other always on the minimum priize 20 coupons. I know many might think im full of it, but seriouslly im a gambler my self and i often play roullet, this is not how odds are suppose to work something is more than wrong here, it's very obvious you rig the wheel which is messed up because you have a gambling model...Ridiculous after the ammount of cash i have thrown in the game. Final word of advice like someone postested, just don't give them money boycot it.
This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 03:58 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 03:58 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 04:38 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 05:03 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 05:03 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 05:05
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On 2017-01-20 04:22:11Show All Posts
It's absurd, the odds just dont seem right. This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 05:26 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 05:26
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On 2017-01-20 04:55:46Show All Posts
  • spacedog On 2017-01-20 04:48:31
  • Because any post saying it's rigged usually gets deleted. My advice, just don't spend your ingots/coupons on those "lucky" wheels.
I'm definitely not going to, but you're right last night i made this post and it got deleted by today. Again, do you know if this game is American? i want to do some research on gambling laws to see if the consumer has any kind of protection in a site like this.
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On 2017-01-20 05:07:20Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-01-20 04:46:21
  • It IS rigged, as every single online lottery that does not have to disclose the exact odds of winning are, as it's not a REAL lottery. What's your point? This have nothing to do with gambling, which contains known chances, this doesn't.
My point is it feels like a scam.
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On 2017-01-20 05:32:29Show All Posts
  • Narutlih On 2017-01-20 05:13:01
  • Hello.

    Khm, do you really think that when you call Oasis, admins and mods liars, deceivers and criminals we'll not delete your thread?

    About topic theme:
    as you can see in thread about this week's events - even players without medals can get 2-tail Naruto. Its random. I understand that you want "good only for you" random, but this system doesnt work like this, sorry.
I'm absolutely calling the owners of the game liars and deceivers, deal with it. Not criminal because as someone pointed out they aren't subject to the same gambling rules, but it still feels like a horrible and shady business model where you spin thinking you have an even chance of getting all prizes, but there is actually a hidden percentage chance that is lower and undisclosed. Im not saying its impossible to get a good prize, even though i only got the same prize repeatedly for dozens of times and i have no real reason to believe that you have an actual chance of getting 50 coupons instead of 20,or the better prizes, i'll give the benefit of the doubt regardless. What i am saying is that the percentage chance is much much MUCH lower of getting a nice prize vs the same one over and over, while the wheel would lead you to believe it's purely based on luck and that the percentage chance of it landing on a prize you want is somewhat legit, not fixed to never land on it. And what it would change? wtf what it would change...if i knew the odds were fixed i wouldn't have put money in it, thats the change lmao this is the type of stuff you should disclose outside of some forums, maybe next to the wheel it self. This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 05:39 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 05:40 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 05:43
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On 2017-01-20 05:48:53Show All Posts
  • nh111 On 2017-01-20 05:44:48
  • Then why was my post about international law and how it would apply or may apply to Naruto Online events deleted?
Because they don't want to deal with bad PR probably. Regardless of law, because ultimately i don't want to get the game shut down, i like it, it's more about the ethical aspect. Like it would be as simple as disclosing next to the wheel the percentage chance of each prize, the real one, not giving the player the impression that it's a fair and non rigged spin. Knowing this would have been enough for me to not have given them as much money as i did, that's the difference.
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On 2017-01-20 06:17:44Show All Posts
  • Narutlih On 2017-01-20 05:56:22
  • Khm, lets start from beginning.

    How much costs Naruto's fragments? Dont know accurate, but for gold medal you get 30 fragments. So 50 fragments ~ 1.5 medals.
    How much costs Shurado's fragments? As i remember - 3600. Maybe a bit less.
    How much costs Seal scroll? 125.
    How much costs Summon scroll? I dont remember((

    But anyway, on 1 roll you spend 20. Do you really think, that chance to get smth good will be high? Why do you think its fair? I still cant understand it. If you want all for free - just tell it.

    In this event sometimes you win, sometimes you dont win. Note pls, i didnt say "lose", cuz even if you didnt get Nar/Shur/Scrolls you'll get stars that you c*e to buy another ninjas. But if you need only Naruto/Shur and call Oasis "liars" just cuz you didnt get what you wanted... Its a bit childish.

    And yes, no1 forces you to spend coupons/ingots here. You always can w8 until smth like keys/lucky board/lightning shop or another events and buy what you want for fix price. This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2017-1-20 00:58
Alright listen sir, i can appreciate a prize wheel system, and i can appreciate basic capitalism, that's why i have given the game about 20-30$, so i obviously don't want it all for free, that's quite insulting given that i support the game. Understand that i'm not even demanding a refund, i'm not even demanding a single thing ALL im ASKING for is that for the sake of this game, which i'm quite fond of, that you please add the real % chances of the wheel landing on each prize, so that the customer doesn't feel scammed, is all im suggesting would be a good idea. This notion of flooling the people who support you, then when they complain throwing at their face that they were dumb to support you in the first place, is not a good model for any company. This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:19 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:20
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On 2017-01-20 06:31:12Show All Posts
  • DigBickJamal On 2017-01-20 06:25:25
  • You can pretty much figure out the % chances yourself not the exact number but based on the number of posts about people spending x amount and getting nothing and looking at your server to see how many are pulled and how much they spend I can tell you its quite low you don't need a % to tell you the chances are quite low you should never spend on a wheel/ect that only gives you a chance at getting a ninja you should go for events where you can buy them straight up. These Ninja in lucky star wheel are just a bonus you can get for going for the actual rewards. Kazakage Gaara is pretty good has immobile can hit pretty hard too but found hes pretty squishy when people use him as a tank WB asuma only useful for ninetails Sage Naruto you could go for but chances are your gonna be pretty disappointed if you get Kyuubi Naruto when going for him as you cant use both cave keys are good to go for but have a cap at 10 stam pots and coins...just no so there is really nothing to even go for with the wheel just * to treasure of the sage and go for power with the discounts.
Well yes now i know, but as a newer player i didn't. If i didn't feel utterly scammed, like many have, i might be persuaded to spend more in the future, as of right now, the likelihood is very low. There's better ways of asking for your customers support than lying by omission. It's not to hard to understand the basic logic of a prize wheel, if there are 10 prizes, you have a 10% chance of getting each prize, not some ommitted fixed 3.2% chance i was suppose to have known and calculated on my own, give me a break. This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:34 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:35
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On 2017-01-20 06:33:12Show All Posts
  • Kaigen On 2017-01-20 06:26:14
  • I got burned spending just under $300 dollars trying to chase a ninja I wanted on one of these wheels in the past, so it could be worse man. Take it as a learning experience. Personally, I'd love if they just had a little disclaimer saying that the wheel size portions are not representative of odds - or that all prizes have different odds. Something to warn new guys about this.

    Just relax man, maybe take a break from the game for a day or so - it helps. I can assure you there are no US laws against any sort of gacha system in online games. China seems to be instituting them, which might affect the CN version, so data could possibly be extrapolated in the future from that. however I guarantee the US version of the game can easily alter the odds so it would skew any real data-gathering from that. Besides, even if the CN law comes into effect, the companies can do what the japanese did in 2012 to get around having to publish numbers.

    But seriously, do what I did, take a break from the game for a day or two and treat it as a lesson. "Fool me once" and all that.
That's all i'm saying, a disclaimer would have been helpful.
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On 2017-01-20 06:42:23Show All Posts
  • Daiske Adolf On 2017-01-20 05:57:54
  • If you're solely spending just something that is RNG based and're an idiot and deserve what you got, its as simple as that.
Yeah, very edgy kiddo. I didn't just spend on that, but like many i assumed the prize wheel worked like a prize wheel, my gosh what a mistake. The prize wheel is actually a computer with an omitted fixed percentage that is not disclosed, you find out after you spent the money, it's a cash grab. Im just saying it's a bad business model, not arguing how smart it was. it's like saying that if you walk down a dark street you deserve to get robbed, you should know better, okay... does that make robbing right? While you're trying to be an edgelord i'm trying to convince them to add a disclaimer and save other people the trouble of gettign scammed. This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:44 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:50 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:51 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:51
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