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[ Events ] Prize wheels are rigged


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 32
On 2017-01-20 06:25:25Show All Posts
  • Stratofort On 2017-01-20 06:17:44
  • Alright listen sir, i can appreciate a prize wheel system, and i can appreciate basic capitalism, that's why i have given the game about 20-30$, so i obviously don't want it all for free, that's quite insulting given that i support the game. Understand that i'm not even demanding a refund, i'm not even demanding a single thing ALL im ASKING for is that for the sake of this game, which i'm quite fond of, that you please add the real % chances of the wheel landing on each prize, so that the customer doesn't feel scammed, is all im suggesting would be a good idea. This notion of flooling the people who support you, then when they complain throwing at their face that they were dumb to support you in the first place, is not a good model for any company. This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:19 This post was last edited by Stratofort at 2017-1-20 06:20
You can pretty much figure out the % chances yourself not the exact number but based on the number of posts about people spending x amount and getting nothing and looking at your server to see how many are pulled and how much they spend I can tell you its quite low you don't need a % to tell you the chances are quite low you should never spend on a wheel/ect that only gives you a chance at getting a ninja you should go for events where you can buy them straight up. These Ninja in lucky star wheel are just a bonus you can get for going for the actual rewards. Kazakage Gaara is pretty good has immobile can hit pretty hard too but found hes pretty squishy when people use him as a tank WB asuma only useful for ninetails Sage Naruto you could go for but chances are your gonna be pretty disappointed if you get Kyuubi Naruto when going for him as you cant use both cave keys are good to go for but have a cap at 10 stam pots and coins...just no so there is really nothing to even go for with the wheel just * to treasure of the sage and go for power with the discounts.
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