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[ Suggestions ] Rebalance Ninjas


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 10:53:16Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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1. shield buffer only (konan not included).
suggestion: 40% shield, up to 7 ninjas

2. fire mc has low resistance growth. nb: so far i just meet once fire mc use these skill at main battle. then i try it, not effective only 1k shield, comparing with 3-5 rounds buff's damages. it can cleared the debuff but u will die soon after that, so i think it need improve.
suggestion: 30% shield

3. lee's HP growth is low. he got too much troll skill @_@
suggestion: 20% life

suggestion: before each action, combo rate increases by 10%

4. all lotus chase skill ends on knockdown but not gai (i think he smash too hard to bounce into low-float)
suggestion: (low float & ignition) and critical hit

5. tobi's evade skill.
suggestion: add more 5% evading chance

6. shizune has low atk & medium-low ninjutsu growth. too much troll skill.
nb: the heal of her standard attack is still low.
suggestion: before each action, heals & remove debuff 1 unit. by also decrease her standard attack removing debuff.

nb: hit target with 4 debuffs (need much effort to put that amount of debuff) is still not much dmg. malfunction of purpose = makes her become fail ninja & put to the * academy.
suggestion: increases more.

7. please nerf that untouchable ninja--midnight blade! i guess lightning mc reach 70% population of player (after new version)
some ninja got his/her skill nerfed. makes his/her skill is same with common ninja... please touch that lightning.

This post was last edited by Kusumaki at 2017-1-17 11:10
This post was last edited by Kusumaki at 2017-1-17 16:21

This post was last edited by Kusumaki at 2017-1-17 16:55
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 11:11:36Show this Author Only
too much loading, i'll edit again later...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 13:22:18Show this Author Only
TDLR: buff Kusumaki's fire pvp and ranked team and nerf everyone else !
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 13:49:49Show this Author Only
1: Lee is easily replaced by people like Suigetsu or Mifune with multiple attacks.
2: Shizune just *s, replace her with someone like Karin or Kabuto.

3: Lightning main isn't OP. You can shut him down easily with an immobile or acupuncture.

And no, I'm not saying this because I'm a lightning main myself. I don't use the meta. I don't use CB-S because it leaves my rearguard vulnerable to enemy mysteries.

I've been able to easily counter other lightning mains with Sealing Slash, so this has never been a problem for me.

Simple solution: figure out how to counter it. Once you figure out an anti-meta, you should be fine.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 16:40:12Show this Author Only
into the hot springs...
alot ninjas just pick those trend of kage's lineup (with lightning mc), simply copying. konan's, pain's lineup became very rare to meet. balance it slightly, by reducing * ninjas it will be more great.

nb: just try to balance the world of ninjas...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 16:44:37Show this Author Only
yesterday matsuri i've meet 6 lightning mc (if i rememeber correctly, coz paralyze are everywhere...)
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On 2017-01-17 18:00:59Show this Author Only
wow u took effort into this post, but they(oasis) probably only going to delete it or just simply ignore it LOL
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-18 03:54:29Show this Author Only

I'll do my best to reply to your suggested changes.

1. Most shields were nerfed from 40% to 30% with the additional bodies getting shielded.
We wouldn't revert the nerf.

2.Mirroring Vision is one of the better skills he has, The value of having a mystery cast, AoE debuff while applying shields is insane.
It grants immunity to incoming debuffs as well. The shield is the plus, the debuff effect is the reason why plenty of FM's right now are running it.

3. I do agree that Lee could use some changeups, but he's a DPS character. His usage is allowing him to go all out with his standard and his combo rate is naturally high

4. I've mentioned before, Changes to chases wouldn't be something the game would be okay with.

5, Possible changes for the future.

6. I don't think you understand Shizune. She's a poison caster and works well with Water Main, stacking poison + adding additional heal %, adding damage amplifier to poison.
She's not meant to be a "damage" character, she's a healer/support. Poison is the damage but it should come from different sources (Water Main)

7. We've buffed all the mains and nerfed according to as well. Lightning Main also received changes, from removing the attack buff from Root of Warrior.
His identity is still the same, while some had different proposes and we enlightened that (Fire Main)

This is my personal opinion on what was suggested.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Quicky Post

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