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[ Suggestions ] Rebalance Ninjas


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 10:53:16Show All PostsDescending Order
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1. shield buffer only (konan not included).
suggestion: 40% shield, up to 7 ninjas

2. fire mc has low resistance growth. nb: so far i just meet once fire mc use these skill at main battle. then i try it, not effective only 1k shield, comparing with 3-5 rounds buff's damages. it can cleared the debuff but u will die soon after that, so i think it need improve.
suggestion: 30% shield

3. lee's HP growth is low. he got too much troll skill @_@
suggestion: 20% life

suggestion: before each action, combo rate increases by 10%

4. all lotus chase skill ends on knockdown but not gai (i think he smash too hard to bounce into low-float)
suggestion: (low float & ignition) and critical hit

5. tobi's evade skill.
suggestion: add more 5% evading chance

6. shizune has low atk & medium-low ninjutsu growth. too much troll skill.
nb: the heal of her standard attack is still low.
suggestion: before each action, heals & remove debuff 1 unit. by also decrease her standard attack removing debuff.

nb: hit target with 4 debuffs (need much effort to put that amount of debuff) is still not much dmg. malfunction of purpose = makes her become fail ninja & put to the * academy.
suggestion: increases more.

7. please nerf that untouchable ninja--midnight blade! i guess lightning mc reach 70% population of player (after new version)
some ninja got his/her skill nerfed. makes his/her skill is same with common ninja... please touch that lightning.

This post was last edited by Kusumaki at 2017-1-17 11:10
This post was last edited by Kusumaki at 2017-1-17 16:21

This post was last edited by Kusumaki at 2017-1-17 16:55
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 11:11:36Show All Posts
too much loading, i'll edit again later...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 16:40:12Show All Posts
into the hot springs...
alot ninjas just pick those trend of kage's lineup (with lightning mc), simply copying. konan's, pain's lineup became very rare to meet. balance it slightly, by reducing * ninjas it will be more great.

nb: just try to balance the world of ninjas...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-17 16:44:37Show All Posts
yesterday matsuri i've meet 6 lightning mc (if i rememeber correctly, coz paralyze are everywhere...)
Quicky Post

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