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[ Updates ] Server Merge Updates – Jan 17th


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On 2017-02-08 21:15:02Show this Author Only
  • AiolozEd On 2017-02-08 04:26:04
  • 1. S306 Dissolving Jutsu
    2. 3 Groups at most usually 2
    3.sometimes 13-14 and sometimes less than 12 in every camp
    4.1st has 30k 2nd has 28k and from 4th and 50th 24k-15k after 80-90 there are only 10k power people
    5.Decent 5 minutes we are basically done

    The reason we want a merge is because its not that challenging anymore its really fun in gnw when there are many more groups that are participating and in gnw many more people that can kill your team in my server even if i am 10th overall there is only 1 person and 2 others that have potential to kill me others are really easy and i was really weak before that also our top server players left the server officially so many of the rankings that are listed above are inactive meaning that there are less people for a server to fuction. please give it some thought :)
agree :)
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On 2017-02-08 21:28:50Show this Author Only
1.Server ID: S49: Kakazu

2: GNW Participation and group activity:
Only 2 groups doing GNW. The other groups consist of alts and random very low level players. Group Activity is 1146 for 1 group and 740 for the other.Always the same people in finals, making people quit because there is nothing fun to look forward too. All GNW outcomes can be predicted.

3: Sage World Battlefields status
15+ on each side but a lot of people are alts or shared accounts, so lots of afkers to fight.. yey, I guess?

4. Average power:
#1 63k and growing daily. #2 55k - #3/4 54k and then it goes down quickly. I'd say avarage BP is 42k, but lots of people on the list quit or are shared accounts (original owners dont play it much)

5. Matsuri participation:
Before the cross-server, very hard to find matches, now with cross-server it's okay ish.

6.Ability to kill kurama in the World Boss event:
He dies within 8 to 15 mins, but again, lots of alts and shared accounts.
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On 2017-02-08 22:19:42Show this Author Only
1. Server ID : S245 : Ice Mirror Clone | HK

2. GNW participation and group activity : only 4 groups participate in gnw with only 2 strong group , they are always become champion , one of them . Group activity about 600 for top 2 groups and 500 for 2 other groups

3. Sage World Battlefields status : the max people play in one group about 10 and they will leave.

4. Average power : Rank 1 power is 32k , top 5 about 30k , rank 6-10 : 27-28k and the other is about 20k for lvl 70s

5. Matsuri participation : it is easier to find opponent because of cross server but it is hard to fight them because there are alot of other player from other server is above lvl 80 with over 30k-40k power.

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event : we able to kill kurama in about 10 minutes

sorry for the english ,hope my server get merge soon with the same power average server so its not one-sided. Thankyou. This post was last edited by kar*** at 2017-2-8 22:24 This post was last edited by kar*** at 2017-2-8 22:29
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On 2017-02-08 22:36:10Show this Author Only
why you all post this *? they wont merg servers anymore
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On 2017-02-08 23:03:03Show this Author Only
They do, just not atm due to technical difficulties.

They have promoted to continue using these formats even during the maintenance, so why would ppl stop requesting.
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On 2017-02-09 04:15:07Show this Author Only
1. s49 - Kakazu
2. 4 groups/ rarely 5
3. 11 people had wins
4. top 3- 55k to 63k, 4th to 10th- 46k to 54k
5. mainly low
6. 5 to 10 mins
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On 2017-02-09 04:26:54Show this Author Only
1. S49 - Kakazu
2. 4 groups/ rarely 5 two strong ones rest with low activity and power and group members
3. 11 people had wins
4. top 3- 55k to 63k, 4th to 10th- 46k to 54k
5. mainly low
6. 5 - 7 mins
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On 2017-02-09 04:37:39Show this Author Only
1. Server ID : 86
2. GNW participation and group activity : Only 2 groups are actually playing, rest are just clone
3. Sage World Battlefields status : Unplayable because the group with p2w players manipulated the result by camping all players from the other groups and feed their win streak to their lower level members.
4. Average power : 33k for top 50
5. Matsuri participation : cross server
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event : 6-7 mins
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On 2017-02-09 04:54:29Show this Author Only
They dont do nothing , and * game ,i think yhey got problem now , many peoples go away , becouse dont interest play when you got 2 players at server , HEY MODERS YoU LOSE YOU MONEY XDDDDD
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On 2017-02-09 06:26:42Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S175 Land of Lightning
2. GNW participation and group activity: only 3 group active( 700 activity 400 activity 270 activity)
3. Sage World Battlefields status:8-12 people each field
4. Average power:Top 1 50k, 2-10 32-38k
5. Matsuri participation: no problems because now cross server.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event - Around 10 minutes with the update. This post was last edited by meg*** at 2017-2-9 06:49
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On 2017-02-09 22:24:01Show this Author Only
  • Kuro하돌 On 2017-02-08 11:55:33
  • 1. Server ID : S274 Flaying Swallow
    2. Gnw participation and group activity : 4 group but one of the participation group are not active but still register for gnw. so i would say only 3 group.
    3. Sage World Battlefields status ; 20-25 weekdays. 15-20 on workdays.
    4. Average Power : Top 1-13 : 31k-25k
    Top 14-28 : 23k - 22k
    Top 29-39 : 21k - 20k
    5. Matssuri Participation. need to wait about 2 m after matsuri started. mostly do matsuri after 10m or more after matsuri started.
    6 . Ability to kill kurama in the world boss event : takes about 5-6 m
    This post was last edited by sul*** at 2017-2-10 13:30 This post was last edited by sul*** at 2017-2-10 13:30 This post was last edited by sul*** at 2017-2-11 18:44
Uh that Server ID is wrong, S279 is Mogei Shuriken not Flying Swallow.
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On 2017-02-10 13:31:37Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-02-09 22:24:01
  • Uh that Server ID is wrong, S279 is Mogei Shuriken not Flying Swallow.
Sorry my mistake . alr edit n thanks
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On 2017-02-10 20:34:31Show this Author Only
1. Server ID - S317 Weighted Boulder
2. GNW participation and group activity - Two Groups compete for it. Same group wins all the time.
3. Sage World Battlefields status - Less than 30 people compete total
4. Average power - Average power of top 10 is about 21k
5. Matsuri participation - Matsuri haven't really had a problem
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event - Dies within the first 10 mins with 30 people competing
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On 2017-02-10 21:35:57Show this Author Only
1. Server ID : S203-Crow Forest
2. GNW participation and group activity: only 2 groups participating GNW (1 always win) , Group activity in 3 days is 300-400.
3. Sage World Battlefields status : about 24 players joining and sometimes there's no SWB.
4. Average power : 28k
5. Matsuri participation : No cross server today. Very low acitivty. Usually takes 5min+ to get a single fight.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event: with kurama's life now it's killable. This post was last edited by 723***@facebook at 2017-2-10 21:42
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On 2017-02-10 21:38:35Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S270:Universe | HK
2. 3 groups participate in GNW only 2 strong, one group is much stronger
3. Sage World Battlefield status: 8 per team 24 players all up
4. Average power: is around 27k top player is 34k
5. Matsuri participation: if you are 30 mins late to event it is almost impossible to complete
6. kurama is very weak takes 5 mins to kill

This post was last edited by sun*** at 2017-2-12 18:03
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On 2017-02-11 02:05:14Show this Author Only
Server ID : S151 Chameleon | UK
GNW participation : 3 groups between 10 - 18 members per group
Sage World status : at most 10 players per team
Average power : top 5 48-40k 5-x ~30k
Matsuri : cross server
Kurama : easily killed since top players are present top 3 gets 30+% of damage
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On 2017-02-11 07:40:16Show this Author Only
Server ID : 239:kamui | US
GNW participation : 2 groups between 10 - 18 members per group
Sage World status : at most 9 players per team
Average power : top is 33k aver is around 29k
Matsuri : cross server
Kurama : takes about 10 mins to kill him

As server is dominated by one group player activity rate is dropping, our server is in need of a merge
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On 2017-02-11 20:15:06Show this Author Only
1)Server ID: S296 Armor Collection

2)GNW participation and group activity: 3 group GNW and 4 group activity rate

3)Sage world Battlefield: 28 participant

4)Average power :No 1-11:30-25k, No 12:29-24-20k, No 30-55:19-15k, No 56-100:14-10k (only 30-40 players active)

5)Matsuri participation: 15-25 participant

6)Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event: 6-7 min (26 participant)
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On 2017-02-11 23:59:51Show this Author Only
1.Server ID:
S276:Fire Barrage

2. GNW participation and group activity:
Two groups participate only with group activities Tartaros: 412,,,,New Konoha: 466

3.Sage World Battlefields status:
Very less people registers for the sage world and somtimes due to insufficient registration the sage world doesn't happen at all :(.

4: Average Power:
Top: 32K....Mid:23K-28K

5: Matsuri Participation:
Happens only about 7-8 min then nobody joins the event and then matsuri challenge becomes totally dead :(.

6: Ability to kill Kurama in the world Boss Event:
Yes, we are able to kill the Main Boss but takes too less time to kill it. Also, very less people joins about 14-15 people.

Please help us merge with a group of your suggestion. Kindly please accept my application .
With regards.....
EkkeMorres (LvL 69)--Power 16K
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On 2017-02-12 03:30:46Show this Author Only
1. S12 Maki
2. 2-3 groups total weekly. Our group being the top.
3. Roughly 30-40? Mostly all max lvl
4. Ranges from 2k-51k out of about 30-40 players.
5. Wait times range from 1 sec to 5 mins. And only participants are max lvl
6. Yes able. Takes roughly 15-20 minutes.
Quicky Post

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