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[ Updates ] Server Merge Updates – Jan 17th


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On 2017-01-25 11:30:10Show this Author Only
1. Server ID - S186-Hokage Office(UK)
2. GNW participation and group activity- 2 only Group ( Immortal Kage and Akatsuki) atleast around 30below active
3. Sage World Battlefields status- can do but always on minimum player ( 7-8-8 or 8-9-8 per battlefield)
4. Average power ( High Pow is 39k but many have 25k-30k pow)
5. Matsuri participation ( It was cross server now )
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event ( Much easier now )
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On 2017-01-25 17:23:25Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-01-25 06:59:43
  • Dear player,

    We fully understand how you feel but everything has its own priority, and believe me when i said your servers and your satisfaction is on top of our list.

    But we also hope you understand from our side we are doing our very best to merge you with the best candidates so kindly be patient, we are looking into this one at a time to ensure a smooth merge for everyone.

    Thank you.
i have a suggestion for a server we could be merged with if it's hard to find a server corresponding to us.
Server 265 is almost as dead as server 276 and they are only 1 week apart but the powers are about the same so i don't think anyone would mind getting merged with them from our server as long as we get the merge.
Should i make an entry for it as well here?
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On 2017-01-25 17:32:15Show this Author Only
  • Iroku Doi On 2017-01-25 17:23:25
  • i have a suggestion for a server we could be merged with if it's hard to find a server corresponding to us.
    Server 265 is almost as dead as server 276 and they are only 1 week apart but the powers are about the same so i don't think anyone would mind getting merged with them from our server as long as we get the merge.
    Should i make an entry for it as well here?
Dear Player,

It is best to have a player that has been spending a lot of time in the specific server who knows about the server activity in details to post it. It is not that you can't, but if you do and somehow when we do investigation it doesn't as per what you've mentioned it will actually delayed the review process.

But if you are confident with all the informations you're going to impart, by all means please do so.

Thank you.
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On 2017-01-25 17:41:53Show this Author Only
  • Acer1 On 2017-01-25 17:32:15
  • Dear Player,

    It is best to have a player that has been spending a lot of time in the specific server who knows about the server activity in details to post it. It is not that you can't, but if you do and somehow when we do investigation it doesn't as per what you've mentioned it will actually delayed the review process.

    But if you are confident with all the informations you're going to impart, by all means please do so.

    Thank you.
Just spoke with people on server 265 and they dont want merge and said they are enough people on the server my bad for assuming things i will do*ent myself better before i make statements anymore sorry for wasting your time This post was last edited by Haru no Owari at 2017-1-25 18:23
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On 2017-01-25 23:30:28Show this Author Only
1. Server ID : S245 Ice Mirror Clone
2. GNW participation and group activity : 3 Groups and only 2 group are always in final, another one just for pack. Activity rate 686 641 620 and dropping fast.
3. Sage World Battlefields status : about 20-25 Player
4. Average power :
Top 1-3 : 28 k, 28 k, 27 k Top 4- 20 : about 20-26k
5. Matsuri participation : Since 2.0, matsuri cross server,we still fight same person. nothing from other server
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event : since 2.0 its about 8 Minutes

We hope our server get merged, as soon as possible. because a lot of top player are bored of low population of player. We highly prefer that we get merged with a server of similar average BP. Thank you
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On 2017-01-26 01:18:06Show this Author Only
1. S264-Phantom Wave
2. only 2 groups that can fight each week and it seems like the leader of one of the groups has quit. GNW seems like its not going to happen this week. We have multiple weaker groups that don't have enough activity points each week to join the war, and it seems like the leader of one of the top 2 groups has quit.
3. 6-9 people per team but there's only about 6 people in the whole battle that gain points everyone else is just standing around. No real contest for any of the high power contestants.
4. Highest is 31k, which is myself, then drops down to 25k and 24k. Average of top 20 is 22k but not all of them still play the game.
5. I've constantly sat in queues for over 10 minutes before finding someone and even when I do, they are way weaker and it isn't fair to them at all.
6. The boss dies in less than 10 minutes every time and over 40% of the damage is between the top 3-4 people every time. Its health pool was drastically reduced and the amount of people on our server doesn't help much.
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On 2017-01-26 04:45:38Show this Author Only

1.Server ID: S169: Rhino

2: GNW Participation and group activity:
3 groups from which 1 can barely have 3 people that participate and the victorious group is the same each week. Activity 602, 425, 383.

3: Sage World Battlefields status
Usualy 10 people in each side counting really low lvl's and alts. By the end each side has the same 3 people remaining and the same winners.

4. Average power:
Top 3 has around 37k power and the rest are droping top 10 having 31k.

5. Matsuri participation:
Before the cross-server we were waiting even 2-3 min to find somone, maybe worse if you we're doing them a bit late.

6.Ability to kill kurama in the World Boss event:
Now, after the change it takes around 5-6 min to kill it but before it took us around 35 min when we were lvl 70-75 and we had a hard time killing it if the top 1 was not there.
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On 2017-01-26 08:50:59Show this Author Only
Hopefully, they will start second merge with more than 5 servers rather than 2 or 3.
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On 2017-01-26 19:29:21Show this Author Only

1. S306 Dissolving Jutsu

2. 2-3 groups, 700 500 and 300

3. Everytime 30-40 players

4. 1st 22k lvl 69 Average around 14-16k battle power

5. I get my full battles pretty fast

6. Yes after 2.0 pretty easy

If you could merge us with other new servers that would be great. Please no old one that we cant compete anymore. But were missing variety, new players. And having more people would be so much fun :(
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On 2017-01-26 20:42:11Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S166: Monkey King
2. GNW participation and group activity: 3 groups with none being able to place people on all fields.
3. Sage World Battlefields status: up to 10 people per field, last sage world: 26 people
4. Average power:
top 10: 47k - 37k (from highest to lowest)
top 20: 37k - 30k
top 30: 30k - 28k
5. Matsuri participation: After implementation of cross server matsuri I haven't seen anyone from my server there. There are no complaints about finding matches though.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event: Possible, 5-15 minutes, it's pretty balanced

Our server is quite dead already, barely anyone shows up for wars, and overall server activities are rather slow paced. People are getting bored, with more and more quitting the game. Plundering is close to impossible, because barely anyone below top 50 even plays actively anymore. (that's not to say that people in top 50 are active neither)
This post was last edited by Qolem at 2017-2-12 16:59
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On 2017-01-27 15:07:43Show this Author Only
  • denciomorales On 2017-01-18 14:29:48
  • If you would like to make any requests for your server to have a merge, please make a post with the following information:

    1. Server ID
    2. GNW participation and group activity
    3. Sage World Battlefields status
    4. Average power
    5. Matsuri participation
    6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
1. Server ID: S15 Temari
2. GNW participation and group activity: 2 larger groups and 2 smaller groups barely able to participate running alts and other accounts, same group wins every single week. Largest group activity about 700.
3. Sage World Battlefields status: about 10-15 people per field last battle, each week less and less people show up.
4. Average power: 48k, highest power in top10: 56k, lowest power in top10: 45k
5. Matsuri participation: After 2.0 relatively easy to find match, before 2.0 impossible to find match after 30 minutes.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event: usually takes 10-15 minutes to kill Kurama

We're one of the older servers, really need a merge soon as everyday there are people quitting, it's really getting boring with not much people to interact with. Example: this week with the missions general mobilization event I had to wait hours for someone to trade missions with. Also arena is impossible to find match during non-peak hours. GNW is a snoozefest everyweek.
This post was last edited by spa*** at 2017-1-27 15:11 This post was last edited by spa*** at 2017-1-27 17:23
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On 2017-01-27 18:37:11Show this Author Only
1. Server ID : 287 Tentacle Fist
2. GNW participation and group activity : 3 active groups , and one group has won all GNW. Group activity : 733, 439, 311... max 10 players in gnw participation
3. Sage World Battlefields status : arround 25 players , but after 10 min of fight remains same old 9 players
4. Average power : top10 : 25k-22k, top 11-50: 21k-14k , top51-100 ; 14k-9k
5. Matsuri participation : low participation , players are afraid of strong players , and they don;t join.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event : we can kill kurama after 2.0 update , but we have arround 20-25 players who joins the fight.
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On 2017-01-27 23:04:06Show this Author Only
1. Server ID : 93 Karui | UK
2. GNW participation and group activity : 2 active groups and other 2( one of them 1 single player and other max 3 participants when they don t forget to sign in for...). And these 2 active groups has max 30 players for a fight in GNW.
3. Sage World Battlefields status : arround 35 players always from top 50. Other players from server don t enter bcs anyway they will be kicked after 5 minutes of fights.
4. Average power : top10 : 54k-43k, top 11-50: 42k-31k , top51-100 ; 30k-22k
5. Matsuri participation : Cross server. I think participation at this even is rlly good since cross server.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event : We were one of the fastest killer servers till 2.0. We did good damage and killed nine tails rlly fast before. Nothing changed drastically just interest in this event. Because now is short timed a lot of players don t even enter.They say the rewards aren t better enough to take their interest on. But like in 5 minutes boss is death and damage is preety good overall.
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On 2017-01-28 00:29:49Show this Author Only
1. Server ID
S182: Land of Water UK
2. GNW participation and group activity
Only 2 groups are participating, rarely 3, and every time the same group wins. So is not fun for nobody. As for activity rate: 500 - 300 and 250 ...around those numbers.
3. Sage World Battlefields status
5-6 people on every side, and it is dominating by the 2 strongest people on server (they are in the same group). When someone got 3 wins streak, those 2 will hunt down that person.
4. Average power
1 - 42k power, 2 - 37k power, 3 - 35k power, ...... 10 - 30k power. And the first 2 ppl are lvl 83 and lvl 82 ...the rest 'till rank 10 are 81.
5. Matsuri participation
Is just a mess.. I think for everyone, when you are lvl 81 with 34k power and you face someone lvl 85 with 48k power, I think everyone knows how this will end. We are like 25-30 active people on server (who play every day) and like 15-20 in Matsuri. Is ok cause now we don't have to w8 more than 2 minutes for a fight, not like before the cross-server when we had to wait 15 minutes for a fight at the start of Matsuri.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
When the first 3 people on server are on, we are able to kill it under 10 minutes, and before 2.0 we rarely killed it. We are around 30 people for 9tail.

P.S. people are leaving everyday, if you can pls merge us asap. Tkx! This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-1-28 00:33 This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-1-28 00:42 This post was last edited by cra*** at 2017-1-28 00:49
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On 2017-01-28 03:05:28Show this Author Only
1. Server ID S233:Guard of Sand
2. GNW participation and group activity: 3 groups total around 650 activity more or less
3. Sage World Battlefields status: 10-15 ppl for each great sage
4. Average power: Top 1: 45k; 2-3: 35k; 4-20: 29-24k; and so on
5. Matsuri participation: it's cross server so it doesn't really matter, but still, not much
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event: we kill him in 5 min because he don't have that much HP
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On 2017-01-28 03:44:22Show this Author Only
they'd be better off asking for servers who DON'T want a merge
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On 2017-01-28 03:47:35Show this Author Only

1. Server ID S230:Sand Shield

2. GNW participation and group activity: 2 groups one around 700 and other 900

3. Sage World Battlefields status: 12 people per side maximum

4. Average power: Top 1: 50k; 2-3: 38k; 4-20: 38-25k;

5. Matsuri participation: cross server found ...

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event: fast cuz top 5 spend lot, no more than 15 minutes
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On 2017-01-28 19:13:07Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: S329 Yata Mirror
2. GNW participation and group activity:
There only only 2 active groups with around 50+members but roughly 8 -12 members from each group are still active. There's not that many competition because not enough players to recruit in other groups.

3. Sage World Battlefields status
Only 10 to 15 people sign up.

4. Average power
4. Everyone eles Below 14k

5. Matsuri participation
Not even a challenge at sorts , Those who join(When I can find a match, Takes 15mins )are lower levels with less power..

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event.
Roughly 10 people particpate , Even with the top 3 players joining it takes roughly about 10mins to kill him.

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On 2017-01-29 01:50:31Show this Author Only
1. Server ID 35:Hebihime

2. GNW participation and group activity
In GNW there are only 4 groups. Most of the time it is the same group winning. 2 of those groups have less than 10 active players.

3. Sage World Battlefields status
Pretty good participation amount, however Teams most of the time unbalanced. Same people win everytime.

4. Average power
Top 10: 45k
Top 11-20: 41k
Top 21-30: 38k

5. Matsuri participation
Now that you can battle players from other servers it is fine.

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
Dies within 5minutes since the 2.0 change. Newer players don't even have the chance to deal any significant dmg.
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On 2017-01-29 04:10:06Show this Author Only
1. Server ID: 223

2. GNW participation and group activity:
Two groups total, one with 933 activity and another one with 574.
GNW finals are one sided.

3. Sage World Battlefields status
About 10 or less people in each team.

4. Average power
Top 3: 45000, 42000, 40000
Rank 4-10: 34000-29000
Rank 11-30: 28500-22000
Rank 31-50: 21500-18000
Rank 51-100: 18000-12500

5. Matsuri participation
Now that you can battle players from other servers it is fine.

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event.
We kill in it about 5-6 mins with 20ish players.
This post was last edited by Dimster at 2017-1-29 19:03
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