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[ Updates ] Server Merge Updates – Jan 17th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 6
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On 2017-02-08 21:28:50Show All Posts
1.Server ID: S49: Kakazu

2: GNW Participation and group activity:
Only 2 groups doing GNW. The other groups consist of alts and random very low level players. Group Activity is 1146 for 1 group and 740 for the other.Always the same people in finals, making people quit because there is nothing fun to look forward too. All GNW outcomes can be predicted.

3: Sage World Battlefields status
15+ on each side but a lot of people are alts or shared accounts, so lots of afkers to fight.. yey, I guess?

4. Average power:
#1 63k and growing daily. #2 55k - #3/4 54k and then it goes down quickly. I'd say avarage BP is 42k, but lots of people on the list quit or are shared accounts (original owners dont play it much)

5. Matsuri participation:
Before the cross-server, very hard to find matches, now with cross-server it's okay ish.

6.Ability to kill kurama in the World Boss event:
He dies within 8 to 15 mins, but again, lots of alts and shared accounts.
Quicky Post

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