1. Server ID : 287 Tentacle Fist
2. GNW participation and group activity : 3 active groups , and one group has won all GNW. Group activity : 733, 439, 311... max 10 players in gnw participation
3. Sage World Battlefields status : arround 25 players , but after 10 min of fight remains same old 9 players
4. Average power : top10 : 25k-22k, top 11-50: 21k-14k , top51-100 ; 14k-9k
5. Matsuri participation : low participation , players are afraid of strong players , and they don;t join.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event : we can kill kurama after 2.0 update , but we have arround 20-25 players who joins the fight.