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[ Updates ] Server Merge Updates – Jan 17th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-08 22:19:42Show All Posts
1. Server ID : S245 : Ice Mirror Clone | HK

2. GNW participation and group activity : only 4 groups participate in gnw with only 2 strong group , they are always become champion , one of them . Group activity about 600 for top 2 groups and 500 for 2 other groups

3. Sage World Battlefields status : the max people play in one group about 10 and they will leave.

4. Average power : Rank 1 power is 32k , top 5 about 30k , rank 6-10 : 27-28k and the other is about 20k for lvl 70s

5. Matsuri participation : it is easier to find opponent because of cross server but it is hard to fight them because there are alot of other player from other server is above lvl 80 with over 30k-40k power.

6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event : we able to kill kurama in about 10 minutes

sorry for the english ,hope my server get merge soon with the same power average server so its not one-sided. Thankyou. This post was last edited by kar*** at 2017-2-8 22:24 This post was last edited by kar*** at 2017-2-8 22:29
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