Updated: Feb 08, 2017
1. Server ID: 302
2. GNW participation and group activity:
Two groups total, one with 750 activity and another one with 250. Update: Two groups total, one with 600 activity and another one with 400
GNW qualifier and finals are default wins for the higher activity group. The other group usually has 6 attending members
3. Sage World Battlefields status
60-70% chance of running.
4. Average power
Top 2: 29700, 27500
Rank 3-10: 24000-21000
Rank 11-30: 21000-16500
Rank 31-50: 16000-11500
Rank 51-100: 11500-7000
5. Matsuri participation
Very low acitivty. Usually takes 5min+ to get a single fight.
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event.
Yes, able to kill. Roughly 20 players are attending to the World Boss Event.
This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-2-8 18:55