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[ Bugs ] Matsuri broken?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-14 04:09:37Show All Posts
  • AncientSeraf On 2017-01-14 03:56:24
  • Had it the other way round...

    first fight was against someone on my powerlvl,
    next one was 10k below me, the next two were 10k above me....
    at 27k power thats still quite the jump.

    At least i saw people from another server....if only to get stomped by them.
Had a similar expieience.
To start I didn't fought anyone from my own server.

The first match had only 1k power difference and I won.
The second a 10k power down and the guy just quited.
The other fights were 10k power up, which i lost all since i couldnt deal enough damage and just 1 mystery (usually from sage naruto) would take half my life and their inniciative was always higher. So i was dead in 2-3 rounds.

10k power is a big difference when you are around 35k power totals (30%). And if we go to the level 40 players that may be double their current power.
As the game progresses and we get stronger and stronger the 10k become a smaller difference, but for a starting point, maybe reduce the gap to only 5k, at least for now and gradually increase the gap over time.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-14 04:53:48Show All Posts
  • AncientSeraf On 2017-01-14 04:46:43
  • First off a thumbs up to cross server, mostly working

    10k power is a big difference when you are around 35k power totals (30%). And if we go to the level 40 players that may be double their current power.
    As the game progresses and we get stronger and stronger the 10k become a smaller difference, but for a starting point, maybe reduce the gap to only 5k, at least for now and gradually increase the gap over time.
    maybe instead of a fixed number like 5k, make it a percentage of the current power, like 10% difference

    so at 10k, you have max 1k difference
    at 30k its 3k
    at 50k its 5k and so on.

    From that point you can tweek those numbers to 15% or 20%, whatever seems good.

    Edit: i had basically no waiting times, even when finding the higher powered enemies
    This post was last edited by dat*** at 2017-1-14 04:47
ye i forgot that, i had 2 seconds queue time for every fight, and in that regard props to the system, but the power differences do need some tweaks.

but this was the first time we had matsuri since the update and im hopping it will be adjusted acording to players feedback moving forward.
Quicky Post

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