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[ Ninja Exam ] Need Help Exam 115 Lightning Main


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-12 04:16:08Show All Posts
For Mr.Robot on exam 114.That youtube guide has most Lightning main teams for after 2.0 update, the guy speaks in german(i think) but its easy enough to follow what he does. Personally i changed the placement for his team on 114, but everything i do is pretty much the exact same.

Round 1, use tobi on tobirama, then your main on Hashirama after his mystery icon pops up. You want to have a standard combo onto Jiraiya.
Round 2 use kisame on tobirama, do not use Kimimaro untill round 3. Once again you want someone's standard to combo onto Jiraiya.
Round 3 use kimimaro and tobi on tobirama, in case your combo doesn't kill him. Tobirama must die from the combo and kimimaro's standard should kill Jiraiya
Round 4 and beyond. Use your main to seal the water main every time she tries her mystery, your kimimaro and tobi will probably have died in round 3-4 but thats fine, because your kisame should keep hashirama from doing his mystery and your main and kisame should easily kill them by round 9-10(yeah its kinda cutting it close)

This post was last edited by Crimson95 at 2017-1-12 04:20
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