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[ Events ] Events - Jan 12


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-13 09:34:29Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-13 08:55:26
  • Why is there a 2hr limit to the hot spring because i cant even get to 400 stamina in that time. You guy need to get rid of the timer because its * and make no sense.
if there is no timer in hotsprings then u can double ur stam regen a day as f2p meaning 880 stamina each day, thats too much, p2p would get 1320 stam, do u realy want to see that?

the 2hrs means u get a bit of extra stam and u get normal regen when the time is up
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-14 00:49:08Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-13 15:52:40
  • I'm not saying there shouldnt be a limit but giving us 2hr is crap cuz the best u can get is like 100 stamina with a jounin medal. They should have done it like if u are a f2p player your maxed for today is 250 and jounin medal is 400.
that would be worse for f2p than u realize, every1 currently gets 440 stam a day from normal regen, adding 250 would be too much thats 690 for f2p and if u give p2p 400 thats 840, people would be getting 5* iruka by summer with that much stam. currently jounin medal users get 40 bonus stam which is about 9% extra stam a day, i would say thats plenty extra.

your asking for 50-100% bonus stam a day
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-14 05:22:31Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-01-14 04:35:19
  • What are you? hard of reading? I said in the very post you quoted that I've been getting lee for refinement. As it stands, it takes 30k survival points to get 10 iruka frags, which makes it quite exotic a price.

    But in any case, I AM doing refinement... and still building up.
    As it were, I can only buy lee twice a day, which cost 1k, but I get 1300, so I'm still growing by 300 a day at least, provided that I don't miss a refresh. The reason I'm reluctant to do kabuto too is because kabuto frags are worse less refinement points and cost the same, making it a worse deal for that conversion.
    In any case, my survival stock is MORE than enough to get a 2 star iruka as well, so that point is moot. Unless you expect it reasonable to keep the exchange up until a 3 star, or even higher, iruka, it's STILL beyond the point when SOMETHING should be added to survival ship.

    Now, while Konan would be nice and was always the item of consideration, personally I am beyond caring what it is as long as it is useful. I'll gladly take purification runes, advanced threads(I'm still on rank 3, thou I can rank 4 anytime, just waiting for BA rebate, so I don't even have immediate need of adv thread) etc. Like I said, part of the problem of the survival shop build up is due to lack of useful items, all other shop have stamina pot (thou arena only on sundays), refine runes etc, which is what I have been getting since I've 5 star most of the stuff (and can't be bothered to go beyond 3/4 on the 1500 ones as I use none of them). Survival shop just lack a long term dump that even adding Konan won't fix--in a month and a half, we'd be back where we started w/ just Konan.
kabuto is worth the same as lee, 10 points per frag, just had to correct that, i agree with the rest
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-14 09:06:28Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-01-14 07:57:57
  • Huh, you are right.
    Now I'm confused on how the frag values are assigned, I thought that it was based on the lowest star a ninja can be, with 1 star being 10, 2 star being 5 and 3 star being 2--this would make sense in terms of getting full drop from either a seal pull or survival, the higher the star the more you get at once so it need to have lower value per frag.
    Kabuto I thought didn't start at 1 star....

    So how are the values assigned?
as far as i am aware there is no way to know, there doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason to the points, tobi and itachi are worth 10 points each both 3* one cost 1k coins the other 1500 kabuto and the konoha 12 are all worth the same and are very easy to farm so yeah idk there is a list in the strategy section if u need to review them
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