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[ Events ] Events - Jan 12


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-13 13:57:36Show All Posts
Reflexblitz I can understand you as high pay player I am also against most of the events and I've been bugging china to put BA event for 2nd hokage the one you upgrade the ranks not the discount buy -_- but well will see if they listen on side note. This is Their business so not like we can get op events all the time that said IMHO they could go with much smarter way of thinking but think about it this way this game is owned by Oasis in China they make all the rules all the GM's GL's mods devs and what not employees here must follow their rules so your complaining is like a child's whinging no matter what we do unless you have every single HIGH PAY PLATTER which is mostly ppl with real voting power to make them change minds as well as backing of all f2p players there won't be OP events that we want on side note if you want real good events how about this ALL OF YOU HERE vote now on this forum to tell them that We want Ingots spent recharge event + ba ranking upgrade event for 2nd hokage + lucky dice? + one more event to tie it all together in nice spending spree for p2p and f2p!? This post was last edited by IgorOh at 2017-1-13 14:04
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-13 14:04:33Show All Posts
If you look at it this way there are about total of 30 different events they can do right!? you say these events are * and I agree but did you say what events you want!? no, did you give reasonable explanation!? no did you give criticism that they need NO. all you did was whine whine whine look I agree that events are * I am not even going to recharge this week at all but that said what are the ppl like mods done to you!? can they decide what events will be on game!? NO it's not their responsibility even if they wanted do you think Demo-What/we his name is would choose this!? he is player like us and f2p at that I bet you think HE LOVES THESE EVENTS but you hating him and blaming him and what not is simply rude bully towards him. That said any organization will take notice of these things record them on their server and there report that will include all these!? YOU THINK that cause on forum they don't give a * they never ask for your opinion on game and make treport THAT IS WHAT GL"s ARE FOR they do daily report to show what players like and don't like you want to change game for better apply for their job and see for yourself!? can't get job with them Fine provide them VALUABLE CRITICISMS!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-13 14:30:06Show All Posts
They did that few weeks ago it's AWESOME! that is what I am currently talking to Oasis about ..... that said guys all you really need to do is put effort into it and you can change this game but saying" OH THESE EVENT ARE * GIVE US BETTER ONES" will not help you or them :D
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-14 00:44:01Show All Posts
Could you maybe consider that it was fault of devs and not moderators !? did you notice that mods gave us time for that BA event and the dates were not starting thursday!? but event appeared on thursday!? we all saw it but then it changed!? Not saying it is good thing to do but I also wish to state that if you ever worked in large organization you would understand that department work as team and family but mistakes between departments happen all the time.... otherwise we would have perfect world......
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-14 00:46:02Show All Posts
8. "Battle Armor Panic Buy" event added! Time to upgrade your Battle Armor! Get materials for it at big discounts! The Ingots you spend upgrading your Battle Armor will be added up during the event, the more you spend, the more the high-value Gift Packs you can claim!
Event Period: Jan 16th – Jan 18th
yet I saw it clearly on thursday popping up and showing not to mention if mods were never informed from devs or other departments about recharge events would they keep it secret!? one you should blame is never mods...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-14 00:52:04Show All Posts
Shadoblaze I totally I agree with you not to mention it would give pay palyer huge boost to EXP gain and sling shot em in lvl race far higher than f2p players. What I would like though is not to have need to afk in the bath for 2 hours :P
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