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[ Events ] Events - Jan 12


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
  • Posts: 37
On 2017-01-12 22:44:07Show All Posts
I'm not one to usually complain about a game, but when you keep throwing a ninja, who SHOULD BE FREE, in these events, it's like a middle finger to our faces. It's not even just that, these events are god awful... for f2p AND p2w. I just don't understand why the devs let alone any player, whether we're f2p or p2w, would think these events are okay. The point of the events is to make us WANT to spend our money for the rewards we get. I've never seen a game company do the COMPLETE opposite of attracting people. If you're gonna give us terrible events AT LEAST make them worth the money we're spending. This post was last edited by Razukii at 2017-1-12 22:52
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