Mei Terumi

Source: Five Kage Treasure
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∼Mystery: Vapor Style - Acid Explosion : ❋Fire❋ ◺Water◿ - Cause Fire and Water attributes damage and cause ignition up to 7 of the opponent's units and Low Float.
`Cooling time: 2 rounds
`Battlefield cooldown: 1 round
`Chakra use: 60
`Additional status: Low Float & Ignition
∼Standard: Water Style: Flowing Whip: ◺Water◿ - Attacks the opponent's front row and has a chance of Triple Combo, Knockdown and Acupuncture.
`Additional status: Knockdown & Acupuncture.
∼Passive: Charm: - Increase damage to Male characters by 25%.
∼Passive: Vapor Style Barrier - Solid Fog Jutsu: ❋Fire❋ ◺Water◿ - Launches a barrier, Smart Fog Jutsu, At the beginning of a battle. Increases attack and ninjutsu for all ninjas with Fire and Water attributes from your team by 40%. Causes Poisoning to 2 individual units each round.
`Additional status: Poisoning.
∼Chase: Lava Style - Dissolving Jutsu: ❋Fire❋ ◺Water◿ -Chases and Attacks a Knocked Down unit, causes Low Float and Immobile.
`Chase condition: Knockdown.
`Additional status: Low Float & Immobile.
``~My thoughts: She does really good damage, mostly paired with fire and water teams..
This post was last edited by Yeize at 2017-3-1 21:50