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Lucky Wheel still no good just for keeping shape-shifting card and ramen


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-08 18:15:30Show All PostsDescending Order
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new version details said that lucky wheel has better reward now. i only see 2 mood scroll instead of 30k coin. shape-shifting card and ramen still there why? yesterday and today i spinned it 18 time and got shape-shifting card and ramen 11 time. before i used to get 30k coin most time. i would get 30k x 11= 330k coin which is still better than some shape-shifting card and ramen. replace them by 200k and 300k coin. each spin cost 150k coin so it's fair to give that much coin.

pls consider it. members in group stop donating after their group skills are maxed. if you change it like i said they will donate to spin wheel more and more which will upgrade group faster.
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