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[ Updates ] Strong Approach reward - Medium thread


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 36
  • Posts: 286
On 2017-01-07 19:19:11Show All PostsDescending Order
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Noticed that medium thread has been included in strong approach after the v 2.0 update. Thats great news.

But, why are the medium thread rewards inconsistent?

For example- take a look here -

Out of my 6 runs this week- one run didn't get any thread, 3 run gave 1 thread and 2 run gave 2 thread each.
Is this intended, or is there a bug?

If it's intended, then I'm I'm a bit disappointed that devs thought of introducing rng even in SA rewards now. Having 2 threads or more in each run, is that too much to ask? At this rate, wouldn't it take a very very long time to Upgrade BA from rank 3(where most players are stuck) to higher level?

Any kind of clarification will be appreciated.
Thank you.
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