SanTa Inari
2017-01-07 16:53:56
No i got only Gaara and Darui from Kage treasure ((((
Well, the way to beat 119 is to control Wind main round 1 with Fire sealing mystery, controlling Minato with a acupuncture mystery and comboing Konan into acupuncture as well.
Round 2 and 3 target wind main with damage dealing mysteries into an acupuncture and immobile/blind combo. Both Konan and Wind Main should be dead by the end of round 3.
Round 4, control Minato with acupuncture again and control Chikushodo with Fire mystery. Standard attacks + whatever mysteries you may have
It really all comes down to controlling the right people with the right debuffs. Good luck. I hope you can find a team that can do that. ^^