The current water is complete broken after patch 2.0,
not like they are OP AF but they are completely thrash for lower rank people or those who can't have her as an initiator.
1. All her new skills are mismatched with her build up.
- Skewer -- Force you to use high float chase ninjas
Which currently are (f2p) specific : Sasuke, Yamato, Kimimaro, Gaara, Anko, Kakashi, Guy, Lee, Kidomaru, Chiyo, Baki, Hidan, Kakuzu etc... which non is water ninjas.
Most of the ninjas will cause repulse which are currently f2p specific : Hinata, Sakura, Haku, Kisame, Tenten, Jirobo, Asuma, Jugo which you can see not many staple ninjas such as Sakura, Haku (giggles), Kisame, Tenten unless you have GNW Tenten.
If you were to use these ninjas just to make your skewer works it means you will be wasting alot of effort to counter all the CC's meta from the current Kage Treasures. (Mei, Danzo, Darui, Ao)
or if you choose to use SHARK BOMB you are required to have the top rank players initiative to prevent yourself from being CC'ed and disabled which later will put your team 1 step behind and completely thrashed by the opponent.
off to the new water main passive :
Reverse Seal - In order to maximize this effect you are REQUIRED to have Kabuto in your team and FORCE you to use Monstrous Strength standard Attack and SKEWER which screwed yourself Mystery is what it actually means.
Cursed Mark buff - This is why you need either Kabuto or Sasuke in your team, which practically RUINS your team and makes your choices of team to use with water team not so versatile.
Some will say hell, i will use skewer then use summon chase or chase high float myself trust me - once you got immobile by mei or acupuncture by ao or gnw neji or immobile by shika/fire main your team already ruined.
You will say hell i will run with Kabuto then so i get buffed up when get attacked and healed, trust me you need to survive until round 5-6 in order to actually have the benefit when ppl actually kills you in 3 round not more. (will also force you to use High Float chase ninjas as you can see above bad choice for water)
Hence, what i really want to highlight is that Water Main got like 0 benefit from the "NEW SKILLS" and if any top players are actually using water is because they are bored and they want to troll others who are weaker that's all. You can't fight competitively using water main because there is like 500 ways to counter that team which are VERY COMBO RELIANT, INITIATIVE RELIANT, SPECIFIC NINJA RELIANT (read : Money / Power reliant)
p/s : You NEED Mei and Haku to really buff up water but know why you don't because you don't have Mei yet :3.
This is getting long, i will post on what should have been done to water instead in next post xD