2017-01-10 09:59:01
I like to think that this is a lil moment of Water to shine.
We've had Lightning to be hated in the early stages of the game. Because of paralysis and Seal strike.
Then we have/had Fire and Earth Mains hated cause, shields and ignite and everything they're hated.
Now we have Water main have her little moment to be hated.
I'm waiting on Breeze's moment if she hasn't been hated. (Which I'm sure she hasn't)
Besides Water was mostly doing support for most of time before 2.0 update.
Yay, now * talk me because this is a * post. (Nah, I don't mean that, but I realize my thoughts are pretty weird.)
Breeze has a hilarious round 1 20 chakra buff removal and moderate combo affect that hits 4 people.
Other than that, and some playing around with chakra coordination, the only 'new' skill i use often is the high-float to repulse chase (Bakhi's).
However, there are some decent changes to her older skills (Flower Guard now does a Gaara and shields 2 kunoichi a round, plus removes a debuff, which is nice)