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[ Lineup ] Wind main new nine tail team?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 45
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On 2017-01-06 09:41:59Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-06 08:17:46
  • I use the following set up, and routinely land anywhere between 1-3 in the Nine Tails Rankings.
    Ninjas: Wind Main 5*, Gaara 4*, Wind Blade Asuma 3*, Baki 4*
    Talents: 11332
    Summon: Tonton (NOT Chameleon, even though it can work too - Tonton does more single target damage than Chameleon)
    Tactic: Ghost Kill
    MAIN x x
    WB Asuma Gaara x
    Baki x x

    Round 1: Skill Gaara for the Wind ninja buff. Once the barrier is raised, use Wind Main's skill.
    Round 2: Use WB Asuma's skill
    Round 3: Use Main's skill and Baki's skill.
    Round 4: Skill Gaara as soon as the round starts, for the barrier buff. Nine Tails will use his Tailed Beast Bomb - if more than one ninja dies, retreat.
    Round 5: Skill Main, Baki, and WB Asuma. Nine Tails will use Exploding Hell - if you are down to 3-2 ninja after this attack, retreat.
    Round 6: Nobody skills this round. Let standard attacks do damage.

    Round 7: Skill Gaara as soon as the round starts. After the barrier is up, use Wind Main and Baki's skills. After Baki's standard attack, hit retreat.
    This post was last edited by Sabaku no Temari at 2017-1-7 17:10
Just wondering with 2.0 release and the new skill changes is this your skill layout with the 4th skills added?
Quicky Post

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