Server ID: S134-Clazsic
Character's Name: Clazsic
UID: 200000091465033
Bug Location: Talent Page
How did it happen? when changing talents
Bug Description: 3 Talent Sets but when u changed around, the talent did not change back. For instance I changed normal talents to 9tails talents, when i change back it was still on 9tails talent. Although it looks like it has changed but after refreshing and it did not save itself.
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Another potential BUG:
Expert Fukurokumaro, used to beat him but now I could not, At 40k BP lv80, I can only get 180k out of 240k (double coins event), while at 31k BP lv 78 can get 78k out of 120k. I am not very sure about the numbers, please recheck since I have used my chances today.