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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-11 21:51:54Show All Posts
Server ID: S147:Koharu
Character's Name: WaWachi
UID: 10154101442417572
Bug Location: Plot Instances
How did it happen? : When fighting blue circles in plot instances, enemy levels are too high.
Bug Description: I'm not sure if it's a bug or work as intended but I believe it isn't right. Blue circle enemies' levels are too high after the update. Fighting 6 Pains in the Final Trial instance is pretty much impossible for me. Their levels are 90 (For plot instance level 80) plus they buff each other. I remember that b4 update I could kill some of them but now I can't do, even though my power is much higher than the pre-update try. This hinders me from getting 3 stars for sweeps.
My current power is around 30k and level 81 and can do most of the PVE content fairly easy.
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