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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-05 23:12:21Show All Posts
Server ID: S230:SandShield
Character's Name: Tanya
UID: 200000093364006
Bug Location: In Battle
How did it happen? I noticed it wasn't working when in battle
Bug Description: Gaara shields seem to be bugged. They are only providing 20% of resistance (which is correct for the new Gaara) however he isnt regenerating them shields anymore in battle for me not on any ninja or even himself people are also saying in my group that he seems to be still working like the old Gaara but with the new Gaara's reduced %
Print screen(s):
I have no idea how im supposed to show this without using video really
(lThis may also be a case of bad wording on your part for the passive skill)
This post was last edited by min*** at 2017-1-5 23:16
Quicky Post

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