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[ Events ] BUGs Discovery Contest!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 18
  • Posts: 34
On 2017-01-05 19:31:44Show All PostsDescending Order
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With the new version of Naruto Online coming up this Thursday, it's time for a contest!
One day, Kakashi told Naruto to do some training in Konoha's Forest. It was a sunny day and the Forest was just outside Konoha.Naruto started cultivating himself into infusing Chakra into Kunai. He didn't want to stay behind Sasuke; after all, he dreams of becoming Hokage. Suddenly, out of nowhere, this bug came and attacked him! As Naruto tried to get it off of him, it seemed it was too much of an opponent for himself to face off!
Naruto Online is requesting everyone's help to find and defeat as many Bugs as possible. The new version has been tested thoroughly, but we are aware that Bugs are always waiting to show up when we less expect it!
Rules:1. The first 100 players to report us DIFFERENT Bugs will be the winners of this contest!
Rewards:1. Seal Scroll*12. Coins*30.000

To be eligible for the contest, bugs need to be reported using the following Form (otherwise, your entry might not be accountable for the contest):
Server ID: Character's Name: UID: Bug Location: How did it happen? Bug Description: Print screen(s):

For more details on some of the new functions and some changes in the new version, refer to:
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 18
  • Posts: 34
On 2017-01-09 15:42:49Show All Posts
  • Fujikuro01 On 2017-01-08 22:16:09
  • in the anko ninja test the following question's Answer is wrong.

    what ninja will player get fragment for in the copy ninja elite instance the answer is Kakashi but every time i pick that answer the game says i am wrong! but when i look at all the names of the elite instances i have access to the only one that is called copy ninja gives Kakashi fragments.
The question clearly states on which fragments you get by clearing it for the FIRST TIME. :)
Quicky Post

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