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[ Events ] Events - 5th January


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-05 12:29:40Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2017-01-05 12:21:17
  • So here is the thing. I had really big problem with "meat*" and I was annoying enough to persuade someone that we should rename it to "Dango". Because that's how it is called actually.
well, if this is patched into the game, it would be the best thing in this entire update!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-05 14:04:45Show All Posts
  • Reflexblitz On 2017-01-05 13:53:53
  • hasnt been announced and isnt gonna be for a while based on what ive seen on most server only 15-20 people are at the cap
welt, only 6 on our server, 2 of us are f2p thou....

When f2p are at cap, it's a good time to up the cap imo, because for anyone not at cap in those servers, it's very much their own fault.

Ofc, this differs from server for server. For newer server, they didn't have the time to get there and for the most populous server, fox yields less exp per person, so chances are only a handful of servers will have capped f2p. too bad they can't up the cap for different server individually....
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-05 14:57:20Show All Posts
  • Doppel® On 2017-01-05 14:38:27
  • it is Sailor Sasuke instead ^^
if any guy is dressing up as sailor, I want Haku.

As gay as sasuke is, I don't want see him like that.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-05 17:49:38Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-05 17:19:16
  • Why would 30k fight 20k? See where I am heading :lol It'd be difficult and could lead to a loss of players for sage wars.
The simplest solution is to not have hard bracket, but instead say if there are >60 people, then it split down the middle, going by the ranking, level or power.

That way, no one will always be the top of the lower bracket, instead, the median peeps will end up on top of lower bracket sometimes and bottom of higher bracket at other times, would be rather fair IMO. This is due to the fluctuation of how many people higher/lower than them that joins sage, and with 60+ participants, which is required for split, there is guaranteed to be some fluctuation.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-05 18:07:26Show All Posts
  • On 2017-01-05 18:02:21
  • The thing is I don't even see the golden cudgel anymore, this month it didn't appear a single time.
welt, one of my guild mate didn't get his until like 2 days before he turned 81, so yes, I know those things happen...

thou now I can tell him that there are people who have worse luck on it than him, he been sulking about it foreverz.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 09:20:15Show All Posts
  • KokutoNM On 2017-01-06 01:18:08
  • wind main nerfed? maybe look her new skills rofl, clearly not nerfed
I'd say she's better in PvP mostly, but takes a heavy hit in nine tails due to wind dance change.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 09:21:38Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2017-01-05 21:33:22
  • We've updated the Ranked battle shop.
yet the one we NEEDED is survival...

72800 survival coin and counting.
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On 2017-01-06 13:02:53Show All Posts
  • ShinjiSenju On 2017-01-06 11:01:04
  • the one you needed not we
it's the one coin that you gain a lot of every single day even if you are not ptw, it's also the one coin that doesn't have any useful item other than ninja frag. Any active player on a reasonably aged server will have a pile of it. It only takes about 3 month or so of full clear to buy the shop out.

I mean even if you don't get any tobi frag anywhere else, 380 frag is only 76k, which is under 2 month of full clear, there are 3 other ninjas that cost half as much, so at worst, 5 month farming. But you will get some frag from elsewhere, so realistically, 3-4 month to 5 star all of them.

So for any server older than that, players SHOULD have a pile of it, and there are quite a few of those.
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On 2017-01-06 13:35:06Show All Posts
  • Ryukashin On 2017-01-06 13:13:33
  • Well if everything in survival is 5*, then why not keep buying there frags for that refinement thing? It seems like that would have been a good use, no?
meh, I could, the exchange rate is effectively 10 coins for 1 refine pt.... It's not a particularly good deal, not when they COULD update shop for me to get a new 5* ASAP....

I mean refine will eventually happen, when the stockade get to the point where it wont run out getting all the 5* that might come but...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-08 22:45:35Show All Posts
  • Niji On 2017-01-08 17:48:16
  • Thank you for putting all your hard work into the new updates, I really love it. I would like to offer some insight though.

    2.0 Arena
    The idea of the new arena is awesome. The idea of it, to the new look of it, everything is great. Except for one tiny flaw that seems to be aggravating everyone. 「you will be matched with someone of similar rank and battle power」. Naturally, everyone thinks they're going to be matched with anyone that is their same rank (Six Paths Sennin), but this isn't the case. Their number rank (72/71, etc.) has to be the same, which leaves only a small pool of people to match up with, so essentially you have no one to fight - which is the case for most people that try to fight in ranked arena battle. I would change it so anyone with Six Path's Sennin, Super Kage, etc can fight anyone with the same title ranking instead of the number ranking.

    2.0 Team Instance and Chase Missions
    This is by far my favorite parts of the 2.0 update, so thank you. All of the rewards have been substantially increased and the whole system is more functional, so I really appreciate this update. The new chase missions are absolutely welcome and loved. Getting the chance to collect rarer ninjas is awesome.

    Nine Tails
    The Nine Tails change is the one that a lot of people are upset about. The decreased rewards for similar damage output (Or decreased like my poor fire, lol). I'm guessing it's like that because there are more ways to get coins, like if you choose to do convoy instead of plunder. The decrease does seem a bit steep though.

    That's all I have for now. Oh thank you for Sasori too. ^^
I think the arena problem is mostly due to it's half way done, it's supposed to be cross server, which would vastly increase the pool of similar rank+point making it viable(unless you have like 90 points), but with only the strict match making and no cross server, the pool is insufficient to support the change and it's effectively dead.
So they can fix it two ways, either relax the constrict or enable cross server. Possibly, they could relax the matching until they figure out how to make cross server work.
Quicky Post

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