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[ Strategy Share ] Midnight Blade Strategy Suggestion


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On 2017-01-01 23:54:30Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello everyone,
First of all, Happy New Year!

I Need new strategy for my lightning main so please give me advice :)
YOU can see my current lineup and available warriors.
Thank you in advance.

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On 2017-01-02 01:48:25Show this Author Only
anyone ?

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On 2017-01-02 01:51:16Show this Author Only
main char (move 1), hinata(move 2), kakashi (move 3) kabuto (move 4)

kakashi - main char - clone
kabuto - hinata - **
** - ** - **

talent 2 3 3 1 1/2, and pet shiba dog
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On 2017-01-02 01:55:04Show this Author Only
  • MM®Yusuke On 2017-01-02 01:51:16
  • main char (move 1), hinata(move 2), kakashi (move 3) kabuto (move 4)

    kakashi - main char - clone
    kabuto - hinata - **
    ** - ** - **

    talent 2 3 3 1 1/2, and pet shiba dog
Thank You For Your Response :)

I'll Try It.
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On 2017-01-02 03:39:13Show this Author Only
any other ideas ?
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On 2017-01-02 06:35:47Show this Author Only
you c*e this team :
Main x Hinata x Kabuto x Sasuke
Talent 2/3/2/1/2
Summon : use Shark if you have it ^^
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On 2017-01-04 16:18:38Show this Author Only
Well, with lightning main, use sasuke, hinata, and kakashi. main in top left corner, hinata in front of main, sasuke next to main and kakashi in front of sasuke. The skill you should use is lightning sealing slash, lightning sword, beam of light, enhancement of lightning style, and bloodthirsty demon. Hope this works for you. This post was last edited by ram***@stu.emuhsd... at 2017-1-4 16:21
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On 2017-01-07 14:47:22Show this Author Only
Try to obtain kurenai and shikamaru
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On 2017-01-09 06:36:43Show this Author Only
When you'll get Zabuza, you c*e this. My early lineup, worked well :)

Luckily, you Sasuke can replace Zabuza, 'cause Zabuza chase the Low floated and cause Repulse what Sasuke do as well.
What's more, Sasuke has two more chase, so you can achive many combos with him.
Why I even prefered Zabuza instead of Sasuke is the clone. Zabuza's clone is a good one, harder to take out than Kakashi's or Naruto's or other common ninja's clones. So harder to take out the team.

Lineup can be like this with Sasuke:

This is a quick idea, the main guideline is that Kakashi have to put his clone in front of the hero to protect him from the very first strikes. Sakura has evasion, she can protect herself in better ways. If you split up your ninjas like this, enemy must split up the attacks for two fronts (anyway, you can put them wherever you want just always keep this order!).

About the talents:
Dunno what talents you've unlocked already. This is a well-usable layout, I think:
Mystery: Chidori Blade - Shadow -> 'cause first, make barrier with Sasuke for the attack and ninjutsu bonus, then in second round, use Chidori Blade, then use Sasukes lightning dragon to keep the barrier for 3 rounds. Nice AoE attacks, paralysis and starts the chasing with Knockdown.
Standard: High Float, or Kockdown maker, never the Repulse 'cause in that case if Repulse starts the chase, Sakura will join the cycle at the wrong time and abort it. So you interrupt a 9 combos chasing system.
Chase: Chase the Knockdown and make Low Float is what you need. With the High Float to Low Float chase it's hard to rebuild the proper sequence but possible.

About the chasing:
For *ways 9 combos chasing cycle you need the Shark summon for a Low Float -> High Float segment. If you have it and use the above order of ninjas, a chasing cycle will always go through. Except when Kakashi starts it with his mystery. I think. I'm too lazy to calculate it :D
If you don't have that summon that's not a big problem tho'. It makes the chasing to split up two parts but I'm sure that the parts will cycle through separately almost each rounds ;)

Last, but not least, passive skills:
This is a really suitable lineup for lighting main, cause from the first passive talent row you c*e any of the skills to boost your team :)
Tips: first passive can longer the lifetime of the team in a fight and give some attack bonus. I liked to use it 'cause every ninjas get the boost.
second passive give better attack boost and if you kill with mystery skill then u c*e it again in the next round without any cooldown. Nice but only two ninjas will get the bonus.
third passive is maybe the best choice 'cause while Sakura can heal the team, the three other ninjas get big amount of attack and ninjutsu boost. One problem that I think you still don't have that passive.
For the second row of passives:
Don't remember exactly which lvls you unlock the skills but I think now u have the first only. Ok. Rearrange a bit. Hero should be the in front of Sasuke and Sakura in front of Kakashi. Hero's clone is stronger than Kakashi's so can protect your hero better. Kakashi put first his clone then the hero. That's an other reason why hero must be at an other slot.

If you understand these guidelinse and take some times to understand the chasing sequence then you'll be able to make other, better, updated lineups in the future ;)
This post was last edited by 125***@facebook at 2017-1-9 06:39
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On 2017-01-09 06:42:43Show this Author Only
One more thing!
You c*e other mystery skills if you want but always use the above standard and chase skills ;)Ok, two more thing at all :D
I suggest you to start improve Kimimaro 'cause he'll be one of the best tanks for lightning main hero!
Kimimaro is lightning ninja and has sword so get the best boost from passive talent skills but without those buffs he can stand lot of hits :)
This post was last edited by 125***@facebook at 2017-1-9 07:13
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