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[ Events ] So they really gave us Sannin Jiriaya


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-01 13:31:09Show All PostsDescending Order
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This is complete crap. I don't understand why they decided that we get this basic Jiriaya but come on now. I know we just started over the summer but everyone has Jiriaya if they've been playing since July. This is not fair, nobody wants a useless duplicate. At least give us someone useful, it doesn't even have to be OP but someone that everyone is gonna find useful . I haven't meet anyone that uses Sannin Jiriaya exclusively for their benefit like we need a change .

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-02 00:34:17Show All Posts
All I'm asking for is for someone useful. GNW Kiba is very useful and same goes for GNW Choji. Choji is a beast and it's the buffed one from China but Jiriaya hasn't beeen used since launch. I currently have Jiriaya sitting at lvl 1 uncultivated, bringing him up to 4 stars would not do me any justice and it would be a waste of stamina. I wouldn't mind getting Kimimaro frags because he is extremely useful. I'm not expecting it get Konan as a sign in reward but i'm expecting someone that would keep me playing the game . As a free player I know I have to work to get those good rare ninja but Jiriaya as a sign in reward is not worth me putting in the time. It doesn't boost me up to look forward to a useful ninja at the month, but now i'm looking toward the end of the month like wtf is this crap. You give out events that only p2w players would get rare ninja but us free players are waiting for the end of the month for that new ninja that can be useful to us but now we are getting a ninja that we already have and on top of that most of those frags can be found doing survival every day. I have gotten asuma , baki, zabuza, suigetsu to 5 stars for doing survival because it gave me their frags.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-02 01:16:33Show All Posts
Do you know when the books are coming out ???
Quicky Post

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