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IP ban those that have alts


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-29 16:16:33Show All Posts
I have heard about how 1 person can't own 2 accounts on the same server.
What if there happens to be 2 different players wanting to play on the same computer and same server? :O
Would be unfair to have one log off so another can log on...just because they can't buy an extra computer lol
^ having alts on the same server really actually bad? I'm assuming these won't be getting banned though I could be wrong.

What happens to the people that made alts without being told they couldn't on same server? (because I saw nothing about this ever since i started playing...many others probably in the same boat)

I actually thought people could so I never really cared if I knew people who had 1account or even 5accounts on the same server LOL

I mean...when I first saw this game "advertised" it mentioned how you could play multiple accounts straight from the mini-client! and there was no "fine print" stating they had to be on different servers either.

I think that should be pointed out somehow. If you go around asking I'm sure most people that use the mini-client will answer by saying they thought multiple accounts on the same server were possible lol

Maybe you could get them to change the mini-client so that it does NOT allow you to have 2 accounts online on the same server....I remember back when I tried actually tried to make me an account on the same server...the Mini-Client did this... hear "multiple accounts" and then the mini-client itself tries to log your 2nd account on the same server....and lets say this person is a new player...they would more than likely connect those dots and assume that having multiple accounts in the same server is an actual VALID thing.

SPIES - is a terrible thing to do...
ARENA FARMING - eh...probably WAS bad but now it shouldn't be possible on the merged servers? I mean more people = more people at all hours?

Having alts go into other groups to spy on you....LEADERS should find a way to know who might be a spy. Think about kicking people inactive for more than maybe 4-7days depending on their amount of DONATIONS and LEVEL. If they are lvl 18-26...never donated and have been inactive for the last 4-7days....they were probably spies and should be kicked... ANYONE inactive for more than 7days SHOULD BE KICKED(make sure everyone in group knows this)
People will try to remain active so they don't get kicked.
Active people will show they are most likely NOT spies.
I knew of people that were su* the leader of the group would always move EVERYONE about 1minute before the GNW starts. Leader would also KICK anyone that move themselves at any point during that last minute. All normal people would stay and let themselves be moved. There was no need to fear spies the time Leader finished moving everyone...there were probably 15-20seconds left. That is NOT enough time for a spy to give out information so the enemy can move their teams.
Quicky Post

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