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[ Events ] Events - Dec 29th


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On 2016-12-29 20:16:43Show this Author Only
  • ShinjiIkari On 2016-12-29 19:29:34
  • I think event this time is meh, but I appreciate the team's effort in trying to make the events better.
    I think for Danzo, he's ok because his barrier is ez to counter. Secondly, shikamaru is just a collection ninja like everyone said. Lastly about curse hidan, I never used him before so I'm kind of interested in him but I think it's still not worth to go for him unless you have in mind a decent team for him.

    The decent event this time is refinement.
well for cursed hidan you will see alot of him light main bee and 3/4 star nine tail naruto the replace naruto with roshi and that will be a meta
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On 2016-12-29 20:20:35Show this Author Only
I just...want come...
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On 2016-12-29 20:46:08Show this Author Only
Can you guys add new ninja: MENMA from Naruto movie Road to Ninja?

His Dairasen ringu is amazing.

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On 2016-12-29 20:56:10Show this Author Only
Jiraiya lmao
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On 2016-12-29 22:02:38Show this Author Only
Just read the cluster F that is this thread...Good events this week.
1-Lucky board the best event for value in this game ,wish other events add this kind of value.
2-Land of Lightning's Treasure,start charging be frag for ninja(like other...why so people can buy the missing frag for ninja instead of 80frag)and plz stop with Choza (he's almost in every week event and we have GNW Choji).Would not waste much coupon or ingots in this...
3-Limited Refinement: If you got refine...
4-Mystery Fruits is always meh event waiting days to get what you buy *s...low value for my.
5-New Year's Festivities great event free stuff what not to like...
6-Monthly Event cant comment but wish they would let us know Ninja's that are in reward.
7-Daily Sign,Worse part...already 2 ways of getting him free and he weak.He's free but after 2 week really bad event,you knew it would * up.I understand that some ninja like Choza are in this but bad timing and badly handled be the mods for huge amount of pages...but there New Year's Festivities to get stuff so it easier to take...

Overall good week...
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On 2016-12-29 22:02:38Show this Author Only
Events are great even thou that Jiraiya there is weird everything else is great thanks for listening to the players.
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On 2016-12-29 22:21:05Show this Author Only
  • BlackDrakeX On 2016-12-29 12:02:33
  • You guys realize that if you get 18 pages of complaints in under an hour it means there's an underlying problem with what's happening? I get that we might not be expressing ourselves well. But instead of just going off on us maybe consider that's just how much we hate things that we've lost ourselves a little.
More like 18 pages of flamming because the monthly sign-in is jiraya
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On 2016-12-29 22:33:00Show this Author Only
7. A new Ninja was added as the reward for January's Daily Sign in: Jiraiya .

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On 2016-12-29 22:38:09Show this Author Only
Events this week are pretty good. Jiraya for sign-in is meh, but okay I guess. Lucky board awesome as always. Love the medium refine-runes and threads this week :) New Year's festivities is pretty good as well, makes up for Jiraya.
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On 2016-12-29 23:02:53Show this Author Only
Dear Yuusuke

are the 2.0 update will include the small things

like the skip ranks battles ,auto treasure finder,new survival trail,timer of black market,skip *on on the lucky wheel and the skip for rich field

also ty for the nice events.
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On 2016-12-29 23:11:28Show this Author Only
  • fatsky313@gmail On 2016-12-29 23:02:53
  • Dear Yuusuke

    are the 2.0 update will include the small things

    like the skip ranks battles ,auto treasure finder,new survival trail,timer of black market,skip *on on the lucky wheel and the skip for rich field

    also ty for the nice events.

We have a thread for information specific to update 2.0.
It's pinned to all sections of the forum, and I invite you to take a look there!
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On 2016-12-29 23:13:12Show this Author Only
Important update:

We found that there was a bug in the Land of Lightning Treasure, and as such, we have returned the ninjas sold in the event to only GNW Sai and Choza. We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you. I have faith that once we discover how to solve this bug, we might be able to bring you more ninjas in this event like we originally intended to do so!
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On 2016-12-29 23:37:48Show this Author Only
Even if I'm only a F2P player, I like this event (even if I don't get too much out if it :'( ). Thanks for the freebies, too! Not strong enough to have Jiraiya too, so any new ninja I don't have is welcome.
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On 2016-12-29 23:39:02Show this Author Only
Hey guy !

So, I'm here to explain why is Make-out Paradise Shikamaru back in events. As we did with Playboy Sasuke, we wanted to give everyone chance to receive him. This is actually his lowest possible price. So, the problem with Make-out Paradise Shikamaru and Playboy Sasuke is still here but I mentioned it last time, we are trying to solve this problem.

We also put his fragments in 2 events to make sure everyone will be able to get him.
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On 2016-12-29 23:41:17Show this Author Only
You people dont understand. They put Jiraiya on January daily sign-in because his name sounds like "January" mwahahahaha!
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On 2016-12-29 23:54:38Show this Author Only
  • Phan On 2016-12-29 17:25:08
  • That is not real rebate.
Oh if you mean the "old" seal rebate, Those didnt happen after a while on other servers so im guessing we are never getting one again :)
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On 2016-12-30 00:05:42Show this Author Only
  • Yuusuke On 2016-12-29 23:13:12
  • Important update:

    We found that there was a bug in the Land of Lightning Treasure, and as such, we have returned the ninjas sold in the event to only GNW Sai and Choza. We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you. I have faith that once we discover how to solve this bug, we might be able to bring you more ninjas in this event like we originally intended to do so!
Change them back to pains there more useful then Choza...or rotate ninja's during the week if you want us to spend i don't think anyone going to spend on Choza....
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On 2016-12-30 00:06:00Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-29 12:36:24
  • Just going to add my two cents here, even though I know it will be lost in the black hole that is this thread...

    You guys, both mods and devs, are trying to accommodate all of the "feedback" (I put this term in quotations because oftentimes its outright flaming, but to each their own), and at least from my group on the server, we all appreciate it. My group was really excited to hear about the new 2.0 version coming out in the next few weeks, and looking at this week's updates, I know they'll be much happier - especially with the shop add-ons and the Lucky Board. So thank you!

    In regards to the daily sign-in ninja reward, my guess is that it will be the most disappointing aspect of this update for my group, but it will only illicit some grumbling for the first few days before being quickly forgotten. As people have pointed out, you don't lose anything from it, you actually gain stuff - and my guess is that if the ninja was someone like GNW Kankuro or another repeat, nobody would be complaining half as much as they have so far :P

    **I do have a question though, in regards to the monthly event missions.** I believe in other threads, there was a good point made about how stamina-burning challenge events were somewhat difficult for players to complete. This isn't in regards to the 80 plot/elite from 7 Days of Welfare, but more specifically addressing how the last half of December's monthly event included doing up to 60 plot/elite instances for missions, every single day for two weeks straight. Was this feedback passed on and considered when January's monthly events were being decided upon? Or should we anticipate having to save up stamina pots for the last two weeks of each month in order to succeed in completing these daily missions?

    In my case personally, I had to use 4 large stamina pots daily if I wanted to fulfill these daily missions (400 stamina saved up + 200 stamina from pots). This worked specifically because I didn't even bother with doing the Rich Field Instances or plot instances -- let's not even mention Strong Approaching :L Since I didn't have many pots saved up to start with, I'd use the pots probably every two or three days, depending on how many stamina potions I could farm out of shop/Anko's Exam/Treasure/Trial Breakthrough. While this made it possible for me to sc* by in doing at least 40 instances daily, a large part of this was because A) I maxed out both level and experience-wise, therefore allowing me to use every last drop of stamina on these monthly event missions; and B) I skipped SA because I reached full level cloth upgrading, and SA doesn't give the medium threads I need to upgrade my battle armor rank. For others who were not in the same position, I could see that they were simply not even bothering with doing the monthly event missions because it would compromise the exp. gain from daily missions or the cloth/thread they needed from SA. I just want people to have a fair chance at fulfilling both the daily missions and the monthly event missions without having to choose one over another, so that's why I'm asking this question :loveliness::loveliness::loveliness:

    This post was last edited by Sabaku no Temari at 2016-12-29 13:01
Hey there.

In 2.0 update, there is function that will help you to regain more stamina points. It' a part of home update. But yes, we have passed the feedback about missions with plot/elite instances to the developers. This post was last edited by Daiske at 2016-12-30 02:01
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On 2016-12-30 00:07:45Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-30 00:05:42
  • Change them back to pains there more useful then Choza...or rotate ninja's during the week if you want us to spend i don't think anyone going to spend on Choza....
Did you read the announcement I was making? Like, really read it?
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On 2016-12-30 00:15:05Show this Author Only
I have no problem with the other events but you guys adding in Jiriyah Sannin War as the Monthly daily login really is starting to annoy people, it would be awesome if you guys can make sai the daily login in prize instead.
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