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[ Events ] Events - Dec 29th


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On 2016-12-29 11:31:28Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2016-12-29 11:15:08
  • You already have him, so what ? That means you shouldn't even worry or bother about him. Are you loosing something if he is as daily login ninja ?

    Give me one valid reason why he can't be a daily login ninja.
Hi here is my feedback:

The monthly log in event in any Free to Play game is used to tempt players to log into your game everyday. The rewards should be enticing enough that players feel rewarded for their time, even if it only takes a second of their time.

So far the ninjas that were offered in the monthly log in did just that. They were ninjas that you couldn't get anywhere else, and above that they were really useful. GNW Neji and GNW Kankuro are dreams ninjas for any F2P players, and have many uses.

With Jiraiya players already have him because he is given as a plot reward, and on top of that he is farmable, so if someone wants him 5 star they can get him pretty quickly. So he us not tempting for any player.

Like you said "You already have him, so what ? That means you shouldn't even worry or bother about him". If players already have him the monthly log in gives them no reason to log in. And are we losing something if he is the daily log in? Yes we are losing the chance to get a new ninja, or fragments for ninjas that we want to upgrade.
Quicky Post

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