2016-12-26 16:29:10
S165 Lightning Tiger
Only one Group in GNW the other group lost interest
We've had 2 Sage wars in the past 3 months
Average Power is 20 k top rank is just barely 30 k
only a handful of people in Matsuri Challenge half the time some can't finish either getting knocked out after 3 defeats or winning all 5.
We have never beaten the fox once since I started playing not sure about before hand been playing since 2nd week of October.
Edit: Uploaded a couple of shots of the Sage wars we were able to enter. Unfortanately was only able to screen shot 2 of 3 fields.
This post was last edited by Craven/Trish at 2017-1-12 08:28
Merge them with us 162
1. Server ID: 162
2. GNW participation and group activity: 3, but only two groups have 10 people participating
3. Sage World Battlefields status: 5-7 on each team
4. Average power: 19 - 23k
5. Matsuri participation: Only active within the first 20 minutes
6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event: Only when everyone is online, We kill it sometimes