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[ Updates ] Server Merge Updates – Dec 27th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-08 04:28:49Show All Posts
  • Yuusuke On 2016-12-26 16:13:02
  • If you would like to make any requests for your server to have a merge, please make a post with the following information:

    1. Server ID
    2. GNW participation and group activity
    3. Sage World Battlefields status
    4. Average power
    5. Matsuri participation
    6. Ability to kill Kurama in the World Boss event
1. Server ID: S174: LandOfFire.
2. 3 groups participate, but now it would be only 2 because the 3rd group doesn't have 200+ group activity rate. There is 2 actives group, but in one group they do the most activities.
3. We have like 30 people participate in swb. We didn't do swb 3 times in a row one time because not alot of people showed up.
4. The #1 has 30k. #2 & #3 have 29k. #4 has 28k. #5 has 27k. #6-#9 have 25k. #10 has 24k. #11-#26 have 20k+.
5. I really don't know but im sure that mostly top 10 and top 20-30 participate.
6. We never got a chance to kill Kurama because not all the strongest playes show up and because not alot of people do it. One time we go to 6× or 5× hp bar. We usually get him to 15× or 13× hp bar.
Quicky Post

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