Views: 15602 | Replies: 54
[ Events ] LOL wut Tendo treasure pull for Gingerbread?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-26 14:18:29Show All Posts
  • OG-Trülféz On 2016-12-26 14:09:01
  • No you players are not reading reasons why topics lock

    Players are NOT to spread misinformation or compare other versions of Naruto Online. Telling player to not pull treasure because future treasure (with ninjas maybe being the different or not included from other versions) are coming soon is both of that things.

    And do not talk of CLones or any sort since it is the MISINFORMATION you should be careful of
are u a white knight for the mods and devs now?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-26 15:39:46Show All Posts
  • OG-Trülféz On 2016-12-26 15:29:35
  • This is put the very best in thread. YES there are limits to decisions that can be made, especially in what events are schedule. please dont be mad at the mods (or developers!) there are many things they cannot help and have the hands tied. All are doing their best, it is a promise

    Thank you friend Beji for making this clear of all understandings
at mods i can understand they just following orders from higher ups, at developers nope, they're the ones who make the events, unless you prove to me tencent has influence over here too(which i doubt it) cuz usually tencent only does the approval, doesnt follow close up on what's going on, to break it down for ya, devs organize the events, show to their higher ups for approval, and that's it.
Quicky Post

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