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[ Suggestions ] On the State of Negativity Towards Events.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 08:06:55Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello moderators, I am making this post in order to reach out without hate, anger, or any negetive regards. I would just like to discuss possible solutions or even to just get feeedback from any of you on the state of the playerbase as of right now.

I think the fundamental problem is that the "bad" events keep coming and they offer no explanation on the process. I understand that you may not be allowed to explain it all because of a contract as forums moderators, but I would still love for you to say even that.

The majority of the community just wants to know why the cost of ninjas like Iruka, Ningendo, and Sailor Sakura keep going up from event to event. Also why the events seem to, as a whole, be pushing towards spending more and more money for less and less while the community responds negatively and asks for a change.

Oasis Games would have made WAY more money this week if they gave us better rates, synergy in events (Top Up rewards combined with ingot spending rewards in general.). If they gave us coupons back or even a discount for top ups their sales numbers would fly.

On the Free to Play side, you can easily encourage coupons spenders to spend and even top up just by offering better rewards and rates. The fishing event shows what not to do, same with a majority of the recent coupon events.

All in all I think a mjority of the players would just like some feedback as to how the events are picked, if they can be altered by players feedback and requests. If this cannot be answered then we would just like an explination why that is so, tell us that the company doesn't allow it, or whatever it may be.

Thank you for your time in reading this long winded post, I look forward to hearing back from someone shortly.
Quicky Post

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