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[ Ranked Battles ] halp pls


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 06:26:42Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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i need a nine tails and ranked team. i'm stuck at rank 14. i made it to 10 (5 a few weeks ago) but then that qwerty dude took it back. i * at nine tails, and i only rank like 11 or so in exp so i need midnight blade, but atm give me a ranked team for both sb and mb.

i am tired of DOTON SHOGUNKU whatever it's called. crimson fist makes sage boring so i got deidara and tried this sb combo but it's lame and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe just gib team.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 09:14:45Show this Author Only
dont stop that bump bump bump
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On 2016-12-23 09:24:27Show this Author Only
if thats all of the ninjas you got, go SB, sasuke, guy, tentenyou can go anko instead of sasuke, but anko would be much more important if you had at least iruka so you would have 3 fire ninjas to buff, so your choice

This post was last edited by bla*** at 2016-12-23 09:27
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 17:05:06Show this Author Only
I would go Deidara, Earth Main, TenTen, and, as crazy as it may sound, Karin.
I don't know if you really don't have more ninja than that, or if that's all you're willing to use, but a suggestion if you can get him would be Yamato. He buffs Earth Main like crazy and would work well with him and Deidara.
Here's the idea of the team:
-Earth Main: He's gonna buff your ninja with over half health at a significant amount, never scoff at extra damage. That's also where his mystery and passive come in handy. Extra hits for extra damage is never a bad thing, and that means triggering Deidara , TenTen and Karin easier.
-TenTen: She boosts the crit rate for 2 turns, boosting your damage by a whole lot, and also has a combo chase, so that's extra damage right there.
-Deidara: I don't know if the igniting every turn does damage, but he does at least 3 hits at least with his combo if I remember correctly, but regardless, helps your combos go off easier. And an amazing skill of his, every time he deals ninjutsu damage, he boosts his ninjutsu damage output. This is gonna be great, especially if he gets hit by the Earth main passive, it has the potential to boost twice a turn. And that 10 combo chase tho.
-Karin: Alright, this is where you might laugh at me, but hear me out. Since you don't have shields, you will need a healer so you can keep Earth mains buff easier. Also, her chase is nothing to scoff at. Fire elemental damage is dealt, so you don't just have useless poison going out. I only know this because the top nine tails player on our server actually told us this. Not his first choice, but she works in a pinch or in a situation where you dont have Iruka.
The overall idea of this team: Buffs mixed with a lot of high combo. I'd personally use TonTon as a summon, because he's what I use. I might be paranoid but I heard from one of our old top Nine Tails players it's a better summon since it targets one single enemy instead of spreading it out to multiple like Chameleon.
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