So most people hate the events that have been released for the past couple weeks.. To be honest theyre not that bad if your a new player, but yes for those whose been playing for months these events is just useless.. I have the feeling that the Game Developers have been focusing too much on keeping the new players happy and have forgotten all about the old players. So my idea is this, just dont give out the same rewards on events throughout all the servers.. you could go and split up all the servers into 3 categories (Early Game, Mid Game, and End Game) and just give out prizes for the events that fit their category. You dont have to put out different ninjas as prizes for the categories, just the small stuff like low-level refine runes and common threads which is completely useless for players whose on the mid-end game phase of the game.
i dont know.. just a simple idea i had which could make a lot of people stop complaining about how these events are going.. hope these helps somehow. This post was last edited by diz*** at 2016-12-23 01:12