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[ Events ] a way that could possibly fixed all the bitterness towards events


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 01:10:28Show All PostsDescending Order
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So most people hate the events that have been released for the past couple weeks.. To be honest theyre not that bad if your a new player, but yes for those whose been playing for months these events is just useless.. I have the feeling that the Game Developers have been focusing too much on keeping the new players happy and have forgotten all about the old players. So my idea is this, just dont give out the same rewards on events throughout all the servers.. you could go and split up all the servers into 3 categories (Early Game, Mid Game, and End Game) and just give out prizes for the events that fit their category. You dont have to put out different ninjas as prizes for the categories, just the small stuff like low-level refine runes and common threads which is completely useless for players whose on the mid-end game phase of the game.

i dont know.. just a simple idea i had which could make a lot of people stop complaining about how these events are going.. hope these helps somehow. This post was last edited by diz*** at 2016-12-23 01:12
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 01:47:49Show All Posts
  • davwq On 2016-12-23 01:33:09
  • not that bad for new players. are you kidding me 50 points for a low lvl refine rune and you telling me that this not that bad for new players.
so youre referring to the goldfish Fishing event.. You're actually complaining about a "FREE" event.. dude its FREE... they could have not added that right from the start and people wouldnt even say a word but no we have it and its freaking "FREE" its not asking you to spend inggots.. you get a free item for doing instance which you do anyways on a daily basis.. and here you are complaining about it..
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 02:07:56Show All Posts
  • DraconusNex On 2016-12-23 01:51:25
  • People like you are the reason Oasis can continue to get away with things like this.

    Regardless of whether the event is free or not, it is objectively a terrible event. In addition, they've slowly started to raise prices for fragments in every event, not just this one.

    Saying, "you should be grateful! It's a free event, we could have nothing!" is paramount to saying it's ok to have nothing.
like i said this events isnt that bad for the "NEW PLAYERS" people on servers thats a couple weeks old I never said that theyre amazing of course theirs always room for improvements, and like i mentioned on my first post these are useless events for the old players.. yeah i agree they could do some tweeking with the way theyre pricing things but people complaining on the goldfish event is just * IMO.. its an event that last for 2 weeks. yeah they couldve just cut down all the prices in half and made it a 1 week event i guess less people would complain about it -.-
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 02:16:21Show All Posts
just for clarification. im not a white knight trying to defend oasis games and there developers if you actually take the time to read my main post im suggesting a solution... I am a P2W player myself and yes these events are really depressing for a holiday event.. but Im just looking at it from a different point of view and as i said on my first post I think theyre trying to cater more to the new players with these kinds of events which is really bad for us old players..
Quicky Post

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