I am really disapointed. When I read yesterday, we will get awesome events I was overjoyed. I was looking forward the christmass, because almost every game gives you discounts and opportunities to get some good stuff, so I saved my christmass bonus from work and was planning to use it... "was"
But there is no point, I mean with that ridicoulus Hashirama shard cost, I may as well drop that remaining 200 or so seal on tendo treasure, and may as well pull Tendo or some missing rares. And we just had the seal rebate finishing on it, huge disappointmnet. We had better events before, out of christmass season, only reason it count as christmass event because the skin and visual stuff or how they calll the things u need to collect. But its missing entirelly the christmass feeling.
As I said already, its a very big disapointment. Last 2-3 events I spent 7k ingot each but dont feel like spending on this ones at all.