Can any one moderator please answer me this.
Is what we are saying here relayed in any shape or form to dev team and those in the dev team that are in charge of events ?
Asking as from what i saw thus far, forum moderators are forum moderators and they have very little contact with dev team (guessed this by moderators not knowing about events, etc.). So i am just wondering, is anything we say forwarded to dev team ? If not, is there a way we can reach out to them in any form ?
And another question to which i won't really expect an answer - if it is forwarded, what are their thoughts on this upheaval happening ?
Player base is really unhappy, not just us that are writing here on forums. Everyone i talked to on my server didn't have anything nice to say about events at all, not for previous week, and certainly not for this week, at the very best, people are neutral.
We got one big spender on our server, but than, he spends on anything that comes along, you could offer him egg in a sock, he would almost certainly buy it, rest of us ? Are rather disappointed (as i mentioned above) in the way we are treated compared to other regions, some of us, me included are thinking of switching to other region. We know enough about the game for a language to not be an overly big obstacle.
Heck, i think most people here would be happy with you guys just copy/pasting Brazilian events. I know it is rude to offer such a simple solution as it hints at devs team incompetence, but we aren't being left with many other options after week upon week of bad events, with an occasional good one, once in a month or so.
As for p2w balance vs f2p, it needs balance, i agree, that is a tough judgement call to handle, but, i think something is wrong, if only ninja's we get from about 25 to 30 events a month are ones for whole month signing in (no, not counting in silly cat into this). It wouldn't hurt no one, if you raised Hashirama to be 20 fragments, if you made pain from missions all 80 fragments being collectible, if jiraya was 40 fragments deep. That way, we know you have an idea of what you guys are doing, even hinting at the plan. Giving us a 1/4th, half or a whole ninja. Like this. 7 Hashirama frags, 29 pain frags, and i didn't even bother to calculate how many Jiraya frags you can get, just shows negligence as there is no clear picture visible to us that there is any plan to allow players to ever use frags they can get from these events.
Next, we are giving you money that can be used in real world and in digital world in exchange for a digital currency that is only usable in a game, who's economy and world you guys control completely (and to a point doesn't have any value what so ever, except enjoyment of a game for those who do recharge). Which of the two do you guys think have greater value when looked at logically ? Cause the way you (devs) represent it in events, you think 20 ingots are more valuable than it's real life currency, by giving us 30k coins, 1 seal fragment, etc. which is very clearly below the 20 ingots value ( even compared to in ingame shops). So i can't but ask why ? I understand the need for balance, but balance between two groups of players isn't archived by people feeling like they are cattle and being milked and treated like crap.