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[ Events ] Events - Dec 22nd


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On 2016-12-23 07:38:42Show this Author Only
Dear Oasisgame staff, I Want to say that Im really really disappointed by Your christmas évents.
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On 2016-12-23 07:47:45Show this Author Only
Yeah as number 2 of S-77 this event coulda been way better this is such a slap to the face
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On 2016-12-23 07:50:49Show this Author Only
@Oiasisgaming, I've noticed that the majority of the NA players have been quitting your game. It would be amazing if you could give the NA servers some better things to spend money on because it would help both NA and you.
So please think about giving NA some better items and ninjas to spend out money on.
Thanks for the amazing game!
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On 2016-12-23 07:54:29Show this Author Only
I think the fundamental problem with that the events keep coming and they offer no explanation on the process. I understand that they may not be allowed to by contract as forums moderators, but I for one would still love for them to say even that.

The majority of the community just wants to know why the cost of ninjas like Iruka, Ningendo, and Sailor Sakura keep going up from event to event. Also why the events seem to, as a whole, be pushing towards spending more and more money for less and less while the community responds negatively.

Oasis Games would have made WAY more money this week if they gave us better rates, synergy in events (Top Up rewards combined with ingot spending rewards in general.). If they gave us coupons back or even a discount for top ups their sales numbers would fly.

On the Free to Play side, you can easily encourage coupons spenders to spend and even top up just by offering better rewards and rates. The fishing event shows what not to do, same with a majority of the recent coupon events.
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On 2016-12-23 07:55:20Show this Author Only
  • s177 Kira On 2016-12-22 20:56:34
  • But seeing how they are running the EN servers, their business strat is to open new servers, obtain new players and * them onto this game by throwing them useful freebies. These freebies are ofc useless to the more * spenders or elite spenders such as yourself, but in the end, they chose to cater to new servers & players vs giving you guys a more VIP or VVIP treatment.

    I myself, i'm a few grand deep into my character. Made many mistakes, and put off any sort of spending last week and to my surprise it's more enjoyable. Not totally disagreeing with the negative comments toward this event but seeing how we get new events every week, holding back on a week or two or even more is healthy game play.

    Personally I still think this weeks events is awesome for majority of f2pers and semi p2pers. Perhaps the recharge rebate in day 2-7 will be better so maybe don't give up hope on this event yet :P
As A F2P player, only spending when the events were good, Buying Iruka for 300 Ingnots, during rebates.I find the only event that is good is the Mission, the rest * the wheel is ass, and the rest is horrid
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On 2016-12-23 07:59:25Show this Author Only
  • Ilmryn On 2016-12-23 07:54:29
  • I think the fundamental problem with that the events keep coming and they offer no explanation on the process. I understand that they may not be allowed to by contract as forums moderators, but I for one would still love for them to say even that.

    The majority of the community just wants to know why the cost of ninjas like Iruka, Ningendo, and Sailor Sakura keep going up from event to event. Also why the events seem to, as a whole, be pushing towards spending more and more money for less and less while the community responds negatively.

    Oasis Games would have made WAY more money this week if they gave us better rates, synergy in events (Top Up rewards combined with ingot spending rewards in general.). If they gave us coupons back or even a discount for top ups their sales numbers would fly.

    On the Free to Play side, you can easily encourage coupons spenders to spend and even top up just by offering better rewards and rates. The fishing event shows what not to do, same with a majority of the recent coupon events.
Yeah they would make more money, i was waiting to see if i should spend on this weeks events or another game i am playing. Guess which one got my money lols...
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On 2016-12-23 08:01:33Show this Author Only
Wow. As a decidedly not f2p player, (I've spent at least 4 figures), these events are *E. Even for top paying players.
Super disappointed oas. This isn't worth a crap.
Probably the *tiest Christmas gift ever and my sister gave me taco bell coupons. Oh yeah, and I'm jewish, so it's not like I've gotten great Christmas gifts. This post was last edited by Nara Temari at 2016-12-23 08:04
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On 2016-12-23 08:04:15Show this Author Only
There is more s24 reporting in I am not buying anything unless you drop the prices. I hope others take this lead and stop till they fix it there is plenty to do free with out having to take out a loan to get ninja.
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On 2016-12-23 08:04:58Show this Author Only
  • KuireSeria On 2016-12-23 08:04:15
  • There is more s24 reporting in I am not buying anything unless you drop the prices. I hope others take this lead and stop till they fix it there is plenty to do free with out having to take out a loan to get ninja.
hey whis ;)
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On 2016-12-23 08:06:53Show this Author Only
  • Hasahyo On 2016-12-23 04:18:20
  • wheel was changes coz I raged from morning on forum, my old posts were deleted but they changed immediately that wheel.

    I pointed out that wheel is rigged weeks ago, they said they will fix that, result was they didnt fix wheel, only change ninjas there and used that for christmas events
    so I went rampage coz this was too much for me...
    kaizer has my first post on forum in his video as screenshot, it is deleted already here on forum
    This post was last edited by mad*** at 2016-12-23 04:23
You're 100% right about this, it's Christmas it's supposed to be THE BEST TIME of the year for deals, presents and EVENTS, and they give us this *ty wheel with Animal Pain and *ty welfare, Coins it's rigged. The only thing that is good imo is the lantern and the missions.
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On 2016-12-23 08:18:57Show this Author Only
I think we should do vote if the team currently running naruto online NA server should quit. They are ruining playing experience and upset so many people. In addition they also cause bad image to the company itself.
If this team doesnt stop running, at one point no one gonna want to play this game anymore because it's just 1 way transaction. We spend a lot of money and for nothing. This team just gets all the money and gives us nothing back
This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-23 08:21
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On 2016-12-23 08:26:32Show this Author Only
  • ShinjiIkari On 2016-12-23 08:18:57
  • I think we should do vote if the team currently running naruto online NA server should quit. They are ruining playing experience and upset so many people. In addition they also cause bad image to the company itself.
    If this team doesnt stop running, at one point no one gonna want to play this game anymore because it's just 1 way transaction. We spend a lot of money and for nothing. This team just gets all the money and gives us nothing back
    This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-23 08:21
I Agree With this Something has to change
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On 2016-12-23 08:34:42Show this Author Only
  • arikbarenboim@g On 2016-12-23 07:55:20
  • As A F2P player, only spending when the events were good, Buying Iruka for 300 Ingnots, during rebates.I find the only event that is good is the Mission, the rest * the wheel is ass, and the rest is horrid
For pay players the battle armor discounts aren't bad, the rest though does leave slot to be desired.
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On 2016-12-23 09:00:52Show this Author Only
While i agree that they had to put better prizes in the christmas events cause.. its christmas cmon this is the only week when you're supposed to give us more than you wanted to ( and free hidan frags dont cut it ), you guys need to realize that this game is planned to last for years, and we're already going way faster than China did, so you cant possibly expect them to give you all the ninjas/equipment/etc.

but i must finish my comment with the fishing event. I don't know how much time was put into deciding the rewards and making the rewards-points ratio, but pls dont do it again :lol 100 points for 1 frag of neji, low runes, coins... :dizzy: This post was last edited by bla*** at 2016-12-23 09:02 This post was last edited by bla*** at 2016-12-23 09:02
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On 2016-12-23 09:08:38Show this Author Only
  • BlazexS49 On 2016-12-23 09:00:52
  • While i agree that they had to put better prizes in the christmas events cause.. its christmas cmon this is the only week when you're supposed to give us more than you wanted to ( and free hidan frags dont cut it ), you guys need to realize that this game is planned to last for years, and we're already going way faster than China did, so you cant possibly expect them to give you all the ninjas/equipment/etc.

    but i must finish my comment with the fishing event. I don't know how much time was put into deciding the rewards and making the rewards-points ratio, but pls dont do it again :lol 100 points for 1 frag of neji, low runes, coins... :dizzy: This post was last edited by bla*** at 2016-12-23 09:02 This post was last edited by bla*** at 2016-12-23 09:02
I think you just try to say sth unnecessary. The best word to describe the event they call "christmas" event is *ty. Who offers such low reward such as 100 points for 1 fragment of neiji gnw, and the rest of the fishing event is like low refine rune and coin.

When I saw the event, I was like wtf is wrong with this game.
And this

They just don't deserve this award. It should be turned into the best money-*ing game of the year
This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-23 09:10 This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-23 09:11
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On 2016-12-23 09:13:45Show this Author Only
  • ShinjiIkari On 2016-12-23 09:08:38
  • I think you just try to say sth unnecessary. The best word to describe the event they call "christmas" event is *ty. Who offers such low reward such as 100 points for 1 fragment of neiji gnw, and the rest of the fishing event is like low refine rune and coin.

    When I saw the event, I was like wtf is wrong with this game.
    And this

    They just don't deserve this award. It should be turned into the best money-*ing game of the year
    This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-23 09:10 This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-23 09:11
yeah i said the fishing event was bad but that wasn't a christmas event that came last week. they probably put it for 1 week longer cause of christmas though but they should've put better rewards thats for sure.
No facebook game since farmville and candy crush did a relevant impact so the competition wasnt really hard to get the award :)
This post was last edited by bla*** at 2016-12-23 09:16
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On 2016-12-23 09:24:25Show this Author Only
  • NarukamiYuu On 2016-12-22 20:47:59
  • N-no comments.... When meat* and coins are the thing worth the most to get, you know something's wrong
Haha Narukami
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On 2016-12-23 09:53:04Show this Author Only
Its even worse that the moderators dont just delete comments, they ban people, and if you wanna know what it looks like to be banned, all you can do is view the forum, no topics, just the forum page, and send PMs, cant even use the search function.

Like, they take away SO much from you, just because you disagree with the events, and for pointing out that you didn't break the rules either and they banned you due to an imaginary rule they make on the spot.
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On 2016-12-23 09:55:07Show this Author Only
Man these events aren't that great at all....not even a combo like other regions where you have recharge+spending. The rewards on everything is subpar in comparison to other regions by a large margin. Havent spent anything since the 3rd Hokage recharge event lol
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On 2016-12-23 10:25:21Show this Author Only
It feels weird, like if they just put BETTER rewards, I feel like people wouldn't be so angry, but the rewards stink minus 1st hokage, but the events * getting to the rewards too. I'm surprised after the horrible feedback from fishing event last week, they brought it back and didn't even change the shop OR costs.

Let's give them NY... and we will see if they are listening or just going to completely shaft us.

I'm sure some will say give them till Chinese NY, but another month of crap events? I don't know if I will do more than logging on to do a few dailies when I'm on the toilet or just Sage because PvP is fun.

Maybe Cross server PvP will come soon? At this point they should at least give us amazing rewards that cost high and faux us into believing they give a *, but Animal Path on a HORRIBLE wheel, and CRAP low cost rewards in ALL the other events... it's quite disappointing.
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