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[ Events ] Events - Dec 22nd


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On 2016-12-23 00:08:28Show this Author Only
do you know 88888 in chinese is fa fa fa fa fa but translate to another rhyme in english will be fcuk fcuk fcuk fcuk fcuk !!! WTF YOU MOTHER FCUKING KIDDING ME !!! 88888 COINS !!! ENOUGH FOR ME TO DO FCUK !!!:@
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On 2016-12-23 00:15:59Show this Author Only
stop making thins game a abuse p2w like ninja classic pls zz
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On 2016-12-23 00:25:51Show this Author Only
i love how its rigged to where you get 1 seal fragment or coins in wheel of fortune 90% of the time its so wonderful.
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On 2016-12-23 00:53:51Show this Author Only
talking about oasis bad system gets you banned btw guys
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On 2016-12-23 01:01:05Show this Author Only
I don't get why Oasis has to put things like the coins, lvl 2 magetama, 1 seal frag, and those bad traps on the lucky wheel. They would make more money if everything was worth the 20 ingots minimum, rather than having those trap prizes. No one would be salty about any spin if they were just worth, at a minimum, the 20 ingots you are spending.

So yea, wow, you may give the F2P players something nice every 24 hours. Is throwing them a bone really so bad? A less bad wheel would certainly milk whales, who BTW, unless they are using their mom's credit card, aren't *. This post was last edited by MarioMD at 2016-12-23 01:03 This post was last edited by MarioMD at 2016-12-23 01:03
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On 2016-12-23 01:03:52Show this Author Only
So, is oasis games real ? Are they high licking toads ?
Why is it prohibited to speak about Brazlilian version of the game ? Isn't Brazilian version also under oasgame ? So, to get this right, you are disallowing us to speak of YOUR game in another region simply cause you give them better rewards then you provide to us ? Please feel free to correct me if my assumption is in any way wrong. After all, anyone can go to the internet and check it for themselves, the discrepancy between rewards.

I am on a newer server - UK 230, no need to hide that. So most of the ninja's offered i do not have, but why the hell would i spend money on them if i can get them for free while actually PLAYING a GAME ?
Now, as i find myself with some free time, let's run this down.

1) Goldfish fishing: GNW Neji, 100 per fragment. You roughly need 20 paper nets for 100 points. Meaning you need over 1600 paper nets to get GNW Neji (who is also a free ninja by the way). Rest of things in it are so overpriced it ain't even funny. So, 2 weeks of event for luckily 14 frags of a free ninja ? Color me impressed and call me Popeye.

2) Battle armor panic buy: Discount on threads, awesome. Give me that yummy 30% discount on medium and advanced threads when they are overpriced as is.

3)Wheel of Fortune: 20 ignots a spin. Simply amazing value out of it. My eyes got red cause of my blood pressure, it's that good folks! Will you ever do exchange ? I would love to exchange 30k coins for 20 ignots/coupons. Just sayin'.

4)Santa's Mobilization: I punched my monitor, that's how excited this got me. We got Hoshirama. Wee! Wait, what do you mean you can get 7 frags of him for the whole event ? But you got packs right ? Yeah, even if you pull 10 frags a day that way, you will still be short. Well okay, we got Pain. Oh it's that almost useless one. Well at least we can get ... no ? 29 frags for whole event ? Okay ... Well Jiraiya, you say no ? Okay, i believe you.

5)Wishing Lanterns: This had me excited! I got a tent, for real. (if until i clicked the little book in top right corner). So, you guys went and got me excited about what could of been a good event, where everyone could of gotten a free ninja that was actually free to begin with, and is not actually again a full ninja, but rather 70 out of 80 fragments ? God forbids they give us all 5 rewards, what would we do with so much powah ? We would all become immortal beings of internet and devour the universe with 4* Hidan's (i already got mine from shop).

6) Daily Special: Well ... one thing is certain, it is special. In so much that it is an actual discount! 17 ignots off of each seal scroll! Now that's the deal if i ever saw one. Quick, buy them, while they are yet in stock and people's tongue's aren't stuck to stores glass windows cause they tried to lick the dust seal scrolls were on how yummy this event is! Sarcasm and saltiness aside for a moment, if by some chance you get a discount voucher - which is i presume is as likely as getting a Minato Hokage from a free pull - it can be good. As long as voucher isn't for a single fragment/bundle/whatever but actually for everything you choose to buy at the moment of using a voucher. Something tells me, it doesn't work that way, but hope dies last.

7) Seven Days of Welfare: This left me speechless for a while, and you must realize by now if you are still reading how hard that is to accomplish. Is this a pun ? An insult ? Are you trying to say oasgames lack money? A superman ? I mean if you need welfare someone would of thought you guys would try earning money with better events, but outright saying it like this works too. If you were just listening to your player base, even for a sliver more than you do, we wouldn't all be in this awkward situation now, would we ?

This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:07 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:08 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:09 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:13
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 01:17:47Show this Author Only
Hey see for the "Daily Special" can we buy day 1 stuff when it is day 2?
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On 2016-12-23 01:22:14Show this Author Only
Inb4 everyone is gased for pointing out bad things/comparing to literally every other versions ;P
Please change the forum rule and the way you manage your stuff :'(
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On 2016-12-23 01:22:52Show this Author Only
  • xNicoleBabyx On 2016-12-23 01:17:47
  • Hey see for the "Daily Special" can we buy day 1 stuff when it is day 2?
Yes but not allowed to use voucher
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On 2016-12-23 01:27:50Show this Author Only
  • s177 Kira On 2016-12-22 22:21:25
  • 8 signifies lucky number in China. And for them to bring that up on the EN server signifies that they may take more care for the events during Chinese New Year holidays rather than western holidays.
but you know they keep telling us this is not chinese server, we are different. what do you want to say about that !
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On 2016-12-23 01:33:01Show this Author Only
Blame the idiots throwing money at the screen irrespective of how sensible the events are. People need to vote with their wallets if they arent giving us value for money then you shouldnt be spending show some solidarity .
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On 2016-12-23 01:47:24Show this Author Only
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On 2016-12-23 01:54:45Show this Author Only
I am smart that I just buy a monthly card in this game. Touched rewards make the game patient and patient.:)
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On 2016-12-23 01:56:19Show this Author Only
FOR CHRISTMAS THIS WAS THE WORSE EVENT EVER !!! to be honest you is the guy that makes all this event because he should be fired no even joking!!!! as a pay4play player even tho i used to be a free player, i found this event the most unfair,most *-est and unbelievable event, why you ask let me give ya some of my key points! :

1, its Christmas, i'm not saying because is Christmas everything should be free, but mind the over 1000+ player that just wanna have fun in this game! but they can't, because is about money that is not worth it.

how can you put 1st hokage and then make it impossible to buy unless you spend 20k ignots (that's like £400) in the UK )
2. repeated events on Christmas giving us great ninja war Neji :((( as its not enough that was the only good thing in the event (even tho it wasn't good) was Neji

3.please have a look in the brazil server and learn something from them, again we not the same country and the money might be diffrent, but c'mon Susano sasuke !!!?? theres like only months of difrence which I understand, but we never had something really good .
4. lisen to the people who made this game possible (us) we are the "bosses" (not being disrespectful) because we are the ones paying you! our money goes to your pockets!!! so WE ARE REALLY IMPORTANT !!! (even tho no one is forcing us to play this game, we care about it thats why you guys have to care about us )

5.i'm sure that i'm not only speaking for myself when i say WE WANT BETTER EVENTS !!!! no other country gets the same rubbish events has we do

6. OASIS GAMES might not care about this but i know the public and people who check the forum will see this, and see the scam that we facing and im not that massive spender when it comes to the game. (people like keizer , killua and many others know the real struggle of this )

7.#MAKEOASISGAMEGREATAGAIN (has it ever been great????)

thanks for giving up your time to read this much appreciate it !!!!

kind regards


This post was last edited by mah*** at 2016-12-23 02:06
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On 2016-12-23 02:13:51Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-22 23:42:42
  • Not at all. Just dont see why you are complaining about people getting things you didnt want to wait to get when there are better things to complain about with the events.
It's funny to see him complain about spending when no one forced him to spend. When he was along the same lines in terms of power with everyone else on the server (S177) he had trouble winning against those with similar power. He dumps a good amount into the game to get so far ahead in power that we rarely win now because of the power gap. Now he wants to complain that people who spend way less are able to now obtain things he spent money on to obtain much earlier that gave him his edge. Priceless. Many of us who played on earlier servers know that this is just how the game goes. Spending gives you the early edge but eventually the power gap closes as the level caps keep it close in the long run. (Plus, he's been extra *hurt that we beat his group every week in GNW because he's alienated a good amount of people in his group who left to join us :D ).
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On 2016-12-23 02:54:33Show this Author Only
These events really pissed me off Like really does Oasis hate NA servers compared to the other servers on we got * they put the Worst pain on the wheel so done Brazil got better rewards for christmas than NA Lmfao:@ This post was last edited by KidSnipez The Uchiha at 2016-12-23 03:07 This post was last edited by KidSnipez The Uchiha at 2016-12-23 04:23
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On 2016-12-23 02:56:59Show this Author Only
  • Zoruto On 2016-12-23 01:03:52
  • So, is oasis games real ? Are they high licking toads ?
    Why is it prohibited to speak about Brazlilian version of the game ? Isn't Brazilian version also under oasgame ? So, to get this right, you are disallowing us to speak of YOUR game in another region simply cause you give them better rewards then you provide to us ? Please feel free to correct me if my assumption is in any way wrong. After all, anyone can go to the internet and check it for themselves, the discrepancy between rewards.

    I am on a newer server - UK 230, no need to hide that. So most of the ninja's offered i do not have, but why the hell would i spend money on them if i can get them for free while actually PLAYING a GAME ?
    Now, as i find myself with some free time, let's run this down.

    1) Goldfish fishing: GNW Neji, 100 per fragment. You roughly need 20 paper nets for 100 points. Meaning you need over 1600 paper nets to get GNW Neji (who is also a free ninja by the way). Rest of things in it are so overpriced it ain't even funny. So, 2 weeks of event for luckily 14 frags of a free ninja ? Color me impressed and call me Popeye.

    2) Battle armor panic buy: Discount on threads, awesome. Give me that yummy 30% discount on medium and advanced threads when they are overpriced as is.

    3)Wheel of Fortune: 20 ignots a spin. Simply amazing value out of it. My eyes got red cause of my blood pressure, it's that good folks! Will you ever do exchange ? I would love to exchange 30k coins for 20 ignots/coupons. Just sayin'.

    4)Santa's Mobilization: I punched my monitor, that's how excited this got me. We got Hoshirama. Wee! Wait, what do you mean you can get 7 frags of him for the whole event ? But you got packs right ? Yeah, even if you pull 10 frags a day that way, you will still be short. Well okay, we got Pain. Oh it's that almost useless one. Well at least we can get ... no ? 29 frags for whole event ? Okay ... Well Jiraiya, you say no ? Okay, i believe you.

    5)Wishing Lanterns: This had me excited! I got a tent, for real. (if until i clicked the little book in top right corner). So, you guys went and got me excited about what could of been a good event, where everyone could of gotten a free ninja that was actually free to begin with, and is not actually again a full ninja, but rather 70 out of 80 fragments ? God forbids they give us all 5 rewards, what would we do with so much powah ? We would all become immortal beings of internet and devour the universe with 4* Hidan's (i already got mine from shop).

    6) Daily Special: Well ... one thing is certain, it is special. In so much that it is an actual discount! 17 ignots off of each seal scroll! Now that's the deal if i ever saw one. Quick, buy them, while they are yet in stock and people's tongue's aren't stuck to stores glass windows cause they tried to lick the dust seal scrolls were on how yummy this event is! Sarcasm and saltiness aside for a moment, if by some chance you get a discount voucher - which is i presume is as likely as getting a Minato Hokage from a free pull - it can be good. As long as voucher isn't for a single fragment/bundle/whatever but actually for everything you choose to buy at the moment of using a voucher. Something tells me, it doesn't work that way, but hope dies last.

    7) Seven Days of Welfare: This left me speechless for a while, and you must realize by now if you are still reading how hard that is to accomplish. Is this a pun ? An insult ? Are you trying to say oasgames lack money? A superman ? I mean if you need welfare someone would of thought you guys would try earning money with better events, but outright saying it like this works too. If you were just listening to your player base, even for a sliver more than you do, we wouldn't all be in this awkward situation now, would we ?

    This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:07 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:08 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:09 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:13
"Why is it prohibited to speak about Brazlilian version of the game ? Isn't Brazilian version also under oasgame ? So, to get this right, you are disallowing us to speak of YOUR game in another region simply cause you give them better rewards then you provide to us ? Please feel free to correct me if my assumption is in any way wrong. After all, anyone can go to the internet and check it for themselves, the discrepancy between rewards."

Imagine smth like... Naruto Shipuuden anime and incoming Boruto anime. Yes, they're all about Naruto. But Naruto was written by Kishimo and on Boruto works just his assistant. Without Kishi. Feel the difference? Sometimes, even with same label, on different versions works different people. Same here. Brazil version has Brazil team, CN - CN team. And we have our. Yes, some things will be similar, cuz we all part of OasisGames team. But mostly each department decides himself how he'll work and which ninjas he want to see in his events.

And if you'll compare different versions you'll be dissapointed when you'll not get smth. In my country, Russia, we have proverb about it: "Меньше знаешь - крепче спишь."

Did i answered your question?
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On 2016-12-23 02:57:58Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-23 02:13:51
  • It's funny to see him complain about spending when no one forced him to spend. When he was along the same lines in terms of power with everyone else on the server (S177) he had trouble winning against those with similar power. He dumps a good amount into the game to get so far ahead in power that we rarely win now because of the power gap. Now he wants to complain that people who spend way less are able to now obtain things he spent money on to obtain much earlier that gave him his edge. Priceless. Many of us who played on earlier servers know that this is just how the game goes. Spending gives you the early edge but eventually the power gap closes as the level caps keep it close in the long run. (Plus, he's been extra *hurt that we beat his group every week in GNW because he's alienated a good amount of people in his group who left to join us :D ).
extra buthurt? alienated?

I haven't participate in gnw in 2 weeks as there's no point when 80% of the server is in your group. Feel all mighty you want GNW means jack to me but it sure does big on your ego.

I'd tell also you to stfu right now b/c you have no idea what you're talking about. People left on their own will and it seems like you're sour & devesated losing against me. The power gap aint closing in so spend some more buddy & take our dam server drama out of this thread.
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On 2016-12-23 02:59:32Show this Author Only
In the NA servers we get the worst kind of rewards from the spinning wheels. But in the other regions they get better rewards from the wheel and from the events unlike us.
Because of that majority of our players in our servers have been thinking of quitting just because we get the worst rewards for spending ingots.
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On 2016-12-23 03:05:15Show this Author Only
  • Narutlih On 2016-12-23 02:56:59
  • "Why is it prohibited to speak about Brazlilian version of the game ? Isn't Brazilian version also under oasgame ? So, to get this right, you are disallowing us to speak of YOUR game in another region simply cause you give them better rewards then you provide to us ? Please feel free to correct me if my assumption is in any way wrong. After all, anyone can go to the internet and check it for themselves, the discrepancy between rewards."

    Imagine smth like... Naruto Shipuuden anime and incoming Boruto anime. Yes, they're all about Naruto. But Naruto was written by Kishimo and on Boruto works just his assistant. Without Kishi. Feel the difference? Sometimes, even with same label, on different versions works different people. Same here. Brazil version has Brazil team, CN - CN team. And we have our. Yes, some things will be similar, cuz we all part of OasisGames team. But mostly each department decides himself how he'll work and which ninjas he want to see in his events.

    And if you'll compare different versions you'll be dissapointed when you'll not get smth. In my country, Russia, we have proverb about it: "Меньше знаешь - крепче спишь."

    Did i answered your question?
Oh we understand,basic this team is thinking bad when others teams thinking good and offer more good rewards/events on others BR one man recharge 150 x 200 to spin for sasuke sussano in wheel and he got back 5k coupons + magatamas,what we got back in our wheel with minato? magatamas,coins and *...he got 100$ back when he recharge 30k ingots - 600$ good wheel tbh in BR server. What german have in this event? ninjas to buy i don't want to show pictures,but i just want to say this,admins don't know how to make events and this is the real TRUE about this server NA. Look at our fish event...what are those rewards and why so much points for them...
This post was last edited by DragonulRed at 2016-12-22 21:07
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