2016-12-23 02:56:59
"Why is it prohibited to speak about Brazlilian version of the game ? Isn't Brazilian version also under oasgame ? So, to get this right, you are disallowing us to speak of YOUR game in another region simply cause you give them better rewards then you provide to us ? Please feel free to correct me if my assumption is in any way wrong. After all, anyone can go to the internet and check it for themselves, the discrepancy between rewards."
Imagine smth like... Naruto Shipuuden anime and incoming Boruto anime. Yes, they're all about Naruto. But Naruto was written by Kishimo and on Boruto works just his assistant. Without Kishi. Feel the difference? Sometimes, even with same label, on different versions works different people. Same here. Brazil version has Brazil team, CN - CN team. And we have our. Yes, some things will be similar, cuz we all part of OasisGames team. But mostly each department decides himself how he'll work and which ninjas he want to see in his events.
And if you'll compare different versions you'll be dissapointed when you'll not get smth. In my country, Russia, we have proverb about it: "Меньше знаешь - крепче спишь."
Did i answered your question?
Oh we understand,basic this team is thinking bad when others teams thinking good and offer more good rewards/events on others servers...in BR one man recharge 150 x 200 to spin for sasuke sussano in wheel and he got back 5k coupons + magatamas,what we got back in our wheel with minato? magatamas,coins and *...he got 100$ back when he recharge 30k ingots - 600$ good wheel tbh in BR server. What german have in this event? ninjas to buy i don't want to show pictures,but i just want to say this,admins don't know how to make events and this is the real TRUE about this server NA. Look at our fish event...what are those rewards and why so much points for them...
This post was last edited by DragonulRed at 2016-12-22 21:07