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[ Events ] Events - Dec 22nd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-22 12:39:44Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-22 12:33:25
  • a lot of the big spenders on my server, including myself, went from spending 2-3k when kage treasures release... to less than 20 bucks combined in the last few weeks events.
Pretty much the same for my server. People are just waiting for good rewards from the events, but they arent coming. People are getting annoyed after seeing the rewards from other servers, and then looking at ours. Sure those servers have been up longer, but why would people spend for sub-par rewards when they know something better will come later.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 06:49:26Show All Posts
  • VidulaSaix On 2016-12-23 06:34:26
  • The problem with this is that a lot of our comments expressing dissatisfaction are being deleted. I'm not sure which mod it is, or maybe it's all of them but they're making every effort to try to silence those who are displeased with this event.
Yeah deleting post arent exactly what everyone wants, but if the post get deleted then chances are people will just discus whats happening in game. People have said before that the forum only consist of a portion of people who play the game, but once people start discussing things in game then everyone will know how badly we are being treated compared to the other servers.

And if the mods are taking the time to delete threads/post, then i hope they are also forwarding the good, bad, and negative comments to those who can make a change. If they just keep deleting and do nothing to try and change why people are upset then that is a failure.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 07:59:25Show All Posts
  • Ilmryn On 2016-12-23 07:54:29
  • I think the fundamental problem with that the events keep coming and they offer no explanation on the process. I understand that they may not be allowed to by contract as forums moderators, but I for one would still love for them to say even that.

    The majority of the community just wants to know why the cost of ninjas like Iruka, Ningendo, and Sailor Sakura keep going up from event to event. Also why the events seem to, as a whole, be pushing towards spending more and more money for less and less while the community responds negatively.

    Oasis Games would have made WAY more money this week if they gave us better rates, synergy in events (Top Up rewards combined with ingot spending rewards in general.). If they gave us coupons back or even a discount for top ups their sales numbers would fly.

    On the Free to Play side, you can easily encourage coupons spenders to spend and even top up just by offering better rewards and rates. The fishing event shows what not to do, same with a majority of the recent coupon events.
Yeah they would make more money, i was waiting to see if i should spend on this weeks events or another game i am playing. Guess which one got my money lols...
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