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[ Events ] Events - Dec 22nd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 05:03:48Show All Posts
I really dont get why people are so * hurt about the last couple weeks don't like them then dont spend / participate its pretty simple...I've play so many other games that never ever got events...the sense of entitlement these days is ridiculous.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 05:32:00Show All Posts
  • Zerual On 2016-12-23 05:19:55
  • You should consider buying a book on marketing or taking a marketing class, this is one of the things you should avoid doing as a company. It has been proven many times that it's a lot more expensive and time consuming to get new customers compared to having loyal customers stay.

    So what would make a loyal customer stay? Events and updates.

    And how do they get revenue from a loyal customer? This game has it easy since people are willing to pay a lot for not that much content. Imagine if in a game like witcher 3 you had to pay for a pet, people would be outraged and not buy it. Here it's considered normal. So they have a good source of revenue.

    Now how do they maximize this?
    Events. Good, efficient, high to standard events.
    Know that guy who doesn't spend that much? Make a discount event which slightly decreases prices, boom he suddenly buys. They get money, both parties are happy.

    What do these events we got do? They make people disappointed, they don't feel up to the standard, they feel sad.
    This is how you lose loyal customers.
    This is bad.

    This is why people are "* hurt", doing events like these benefits no one.And the cherry to top it off is, it's christmas season now, so people wouldn't even mind spending more money th*ual on good quality events.
    This post was last edited by Zerual at 2016-12-23 05:21
I'm aware its much more consuming and expensive to bring in new revenue streams in the form of new customers. However in the online gaming industry, most ppl will pick up a game and quit it in 3 months, hence the reason why most companies will try to so called milk a consumer for what they can. If someone truly likes the game they will play the game for what it is, regardless of the events. Hence why I said if you don't like the events just don't spend or participate. Just play the game for what it is, i get that ppl may feel slighted, but no need to cry the sky is falling... just my 2 cents.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 05:52:49Show All Posts
  • Izuru On 2016-12-23 05:43:45
  • That's not how business works. You are simply saying that they are trying to gain profit without regarding the competition nor the customers satisfaction. You know what happens to companies like that disregarding the value of those above? They fail or have a really low customer base that as you said, just stayed because they like the product not for whats it's worth but for personal preferences.

    Aside of that it's christmas, you expect them to at least satisfy people of their holiday spirit and don't fall too behind compared to, in this case even, other servers of the same company.

    The fact that nothing has been done to reassure customers that they are working on it, on itself is really lacking. I don't mean to make you guys promise us anything or do lie to us. Just simply asking us for a solution or polling would at least get the bitterness out of the way and give the impression that they care. So far we've been only seeing forwarding to admin messages and locked threads.

    Really hope we will find a solution instead of ending it on a bad term.
Of course thats not how business is suppose to work however in the gaming industry it has become the norm for most ppl to stop playing after a few months and pick up something else..It *s for consumers but from a developer/publisher standpoint they know they only have a limited amount of time to make the most out of a customer base...Its just unfortunate but in this age of short attention spans, it is what it is...You guys like to talk about the business side, if I'm looking at it from their point of view, I really can't fault a company that has bills, employees to pay, and still turn enough of a profit to develop the next game, for trying to make as much as they can in that 3-6 month period...Very rarely does anyone play a game for years on years anymore, its a major reason why the MMO Genre has been struggling for many years now.
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On 2016-12-23 05:58:57Show All Posts
  • Zerual On 2016-12-23 05:48:11
  • But that's the thing, that's "your 2 cents".
    Just look at the forums, everyone is mad, everyone is complaining. Big spenders aren't spending, even the big spenders like killua is complaining on the forums.
    Just because you don't feel like they were bad doesn't deny the fact that everyone else does.
    Unless you are gonna spend millions(don't take this number amount literally, it's just a metaphorical number) on this event to counter-act the fact that no one else is spending, then it obviously wasn't a good idea.
    And you can't really categorize this game as the rest of the gaming industry, the rest of the gaming industry is this like -> You sell the game for 20-60$ -> You maybe add a little micro transactions and then move on the next project.
    This game doesn't work like that, this game can easily net in thousands and thousands from 1 single player, so trying to keep players for as long as possible is in their interest rather than gaining more quicker.
I never said that I felt the events werent bad/good I simply feel that if you don't like the events/rewards whatever it may be you don't need to partake.

In regards to the gaming industry, I can make the same comparison as there are several F2P games, MMOs for example that are very P2W and rely on a cash shop to survive...Look at age of wushu, ppl spend/spent thousands a week on that game. But its the same thing there were ppl that stayed and plenty that quit, but they're still running and about to release a sequel/new game. Guess what plenty of ppl will play that and likely spend thousands again. Game publishers have been treating gamers like crap for years this is nothing new.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on the matter, but if we're being honest whats the likelihood that all these angry posts are going to get anything changed. I'm sure they'll say thanks will pass it on, take it into consideration, which they very well may do, but If you really want to send a message than just dont spend, which it seems many big spenders have finally started to do, i just feel there isnt a need to rage endlessly on the forums. This post was last edited by Mixology at 2016-12-23 06:07
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-23 06:12:07Show All Posts
  • Zerual On 2016-12-23 06:06:34
  • Comparing this game with age of wushu is like comparing WoW with counter strike, they are too different really to be effectively compared.

    In age of wushu you need to actually download a client, there are tons of other games who are pretty much the same or even better than that, there isn't really much of an incentive to spend unless you are actually pushing for ranks.
    This game is different, you can just open your browser and get in, everything revolves around spending, everything tempts you to spend, ranks matter a lot more since they are super visible and gives more rewards. And the gameplay is also drastically different.

    Also the competition vs. this game in the same category is very tiny, this game is one of the less p2w browser games out there, f2p people actually can beat p2w people, this game caters on the fact that it's a naruto game, which there aren't that many "MMO"s on if any and it's a very well made game for being a browser game.
Just because you have to download wushu doesnt change the fact that its f2p and has a shop, and why do ppl spend here ninjas, power for rank similarly in wushu costumes/cosmetics power for rank with set/scripts etc.

i dont really believe the rewards from spending are all that great, if you're spending you're spending cause u really want a certain ninja or to up your BP most likely. I have 2 accounts one that i've spent a crap ton on, and one i've only bought a jonin on, and tbh aside from the BP difference, i havent felt i absolutely needed to spend on my 2nd account to be competitive with others..sure i dont have some of the pay ninjas on this account or the BP but it's not any less enjoyable to play the account...again my 2 cents. and yes this game a f2p can compete with a p2w/p to a point, but there is a threshold where x amount of bp will start to matter, x ninjas will matter.
This post was last edited by Mixology at 2016-12-23 06:21
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-28 01:31:15Show All Posts
Literally just laughed out loud with 7th day special
Quicky Post

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