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[ Events ] Events - Dec 22nd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-22 17:41:59Show All Posts
  • Dashqui On 2016-12-22 17:34:15
  • I just want to know how one can get gingerbreads? Except for recharging. Btw 1 seal scroll = 5 gingerbreads = 5k recharge? Oh.. Awesome deal.
You c*so obtain them from plot/elite instances.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-22 17:55:54Show All Posts
  • Dashqui On 2016-12-22 17:47:09
  • So what's the drop rate?oO I burned like 600 stamina and got NULL, zero, no gingerbreads at all. Asking ppl from my group, zilch for them too. Kinda weird...
Little misunderstanding. As "Plot/Elite" i mean event with clearing.
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On 2016-12-23 02:56:59Show All Posts
  • Zoruto On 2016-12-23 01:03:52
  • So, is oasis games real ? Are they high licking toads ?
    Why is it prohibited to speak about Brazlilian version of the game ? Isn't Brazilian version also under oasgame ? So, to get this right, you are disallowing us to speak of YOUR game in another region simply cause you give them better rewards then you provide to us ? Please feel free to correct me if my assumption is in any way wrong. After all, anyone can go to the internet and check it for themselves, the discrepancy between rewards.

    I am on a newer server - UK 230, no need to hide that. So most of the ninja's offered i do not have, but why the hell would i spend money on them if i can get them for free while actually PLAYING a GAME ?
    Now, as i find myself with some free time, let's run this down.

    1) Goldfish fishing: GNW Neji, 100 per fragment. You roughly need 20 paper nets for 100 points. Meaning you need over 1600 paper nets to get GNW Neji (who is also a free ninja by the way). Rest of things in it are so overpriced it ain't even funny. So, 2 weeks of event for luckily 14 frags of a free ninja ? Color me impressed and call me Popeye.

    2) Battle armor panic buy: Discount on threads, awesome. Give me that yummy 30% discount on medium and advanced threads when they are overpriced as is.

    3)Wheel of Fortune: 20 ignots a spin. Simply amazing value out of it. My eyes got red cause of my blood pressure, it's that good folks! Will you ever do exchange ? I would love to exchange 30k coins for 20 ignots/coupons. Just sayin'.

    4)Santa's Mobilization: I punched my monitor, that's how excited this got me. We got Hoshirama. Wee! Wait, what do you mean you can get 7 frags of him for the whole event ? But you got packs right ? Yeah, even if you pull 10 frags a day that way, you will still be short. Well okay, we got Pain. Oh it's that almost useless one. Well at least we can get ... no ? 29 frags for whole event ? Okay ... Well Jiraiya, you say no ? Okay, i believe you.

    5)Wishing Lanterns: This had me excited! I got a tent, for real. (if until i clicked the little book in top right corner). So, you guys went and got me excited about what could of been a good event, where everyone could of gotten a free ninja that was actually free to begin with, and is not actually again a full ninja, but rather 70 out of 80 fragments ? God forbids they give us all 5 rewards, what would we do with so much powah ? We would all become immortal beings of internet and devour the universe with 4* Hidan's (i already got mine from shop).

    6) Daily Special: Well ... one thing is certain, it is special. In so much that it is an actual discount! 17 ignots off of each seal scroll! Now that's the deal if i ever saw one. Quick, buy them, while they are yet in stock and people's tongue's aren't stuck to stores glass windows cause they tried to lick the dust seal scrolls were on how yummy this event is! Sarcasm and saltiness aside for a moment, if by some chance you get a discount voucher - which is i presume is as likely as getting a Minato Hokage from a free pull - it can be good. As long as voucher isn't for a single fragment/bundle/whatever but actually for everything you choose to buy at the moment of using a voucher. Something tells me, it doesn't work that way, but hope dies last.

    7) Seven Days of Welfare: This left me speechless for a while, and you must realize by now if you are still reading how hard that is to accomplish. Is this a pun ? An insult ? Are you trying to say oasgames lack money? A superman ? I mean if you need welfare someone would of thought you guys would try earning money with better events, but outright saying it like this works too. If you were just listening to your player base, even for a sliver more than you do, we wouldn't all be in this awkward situation now, would we ?

    This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:07 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:08 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:09 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-23 01:13
"Why is it prohibited to speak about Brazlilian version of the game ? Isn't Brazilian version also under oasgame ? So, to get this right, you are disallowing us to speak of YOUR game in another region simply cause you give them better rewards then you provide to us ? Please feel free to correct me if my assumption is in any way wrong. After all, anyone can go to the internet and check it for themselves, the discrepancy between rewards."

Imagine smth like... Naruto Shipuuden anime and incoming Boruto anime. Yes, they're all about Naruto. But Naruto was written by Kishimo and on Boruto works just his assistant. Without Kishi. Feel the difference? Sometimes, even with same label, on different versions works different people. Same here. Brazil version has Brazil team, CN - CN team. And we have our. Yes, some things will be similar, cuz we all part of OasisGames team. But mostly each department decides himself how he'll work and which ninjas he want to see in his events.

And if you'll compare different versions you'll be dissapointed when you'll not get smth. In my country, Russia, we have proverb about it: "Меньше знаешь - крепче спишь."

Did i answered your question?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-26 17:45:08Show All Posts
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-26 22:11:03Show All Posts
  • Zoruto On 2016-12-26 20:13:26
  • Okay, to stop with pure export of salt and unproductive criticism/just screaming for how bad events are, i will try a new approach to why we are unsatisfied with these events. This will be a lengthy post by all reckonings, so it might not be for those weak of heart.

    Goldfish Fishing - It is overpriced. Simply put you need 8000 points to get GNW Neji - a paper net usually nets between 3 and 4 points, so we will go with 3,5 as average. With power of simple math, we come to the number of nets needed for GNW Neji to 2285,7 (2286) and being how this event has been going on for two weeks, one needs to farm 163 nets a day - which in turn, if every sweep gives you a net, you need 1630 stamina - players only get about 440 stamina in a day of full inactivity. Solution: Even if price was dropped to 5th of it's current price to 20, people would still need 1600 points for him, or 457 nets, or 33 nets a day - which is again a hard thing to accomplish, yet doable, unlike the current price.

    Battle Armor Panic Buy - I am not too fond of threads, so i did not spend on it. There are many questions concerning threads that i have, but they are not for this thread/topic. Overall, being how overpriced threads are, having a discount for them is not a bad thing. One suggestion i would provide tho, is that spending ingots shouldn't be connected to only this event, but overall all events in a week.

    Wheel of Forture - now, this is community favorite event to complain about, and it is obvious why. Returns are so diminishing, it is hardly ever worth the chances to spin, especially given the ninja in it, but now to go into more detail.
    Ninja - this should be a crowning point of this event, no ? Something that should make people want to spin this wheel in fools hope of getting a ninja, but ninja given is one of the worst, so in return many people are unwilling to spin the wheel. Solution: Many ninja's from new Kage treasure would of done the job, especially if they were the rare ones.
    Seal Fragment - This is simply a rip off, no two ways about it. If you spin a wheel enough times to get 10 seal fragments, you've practicly spent 200 ignots to get a scroll that costs 125. I understand how you might think that previous reward - of a full seal scroll is too much, but 1 seal fragment is simply something that makes people don't want to spin the wheel as well as ninja. Solution: i think all of community would agree that giving us a 1 week seal scroll is good, a more balanced solution (between what community wants and what i presume devs are willing to give) would be 5 seal fragments
    Summoning Scroll - I personally think that this is okay reward.
    Coins - Please no, no one wants to spin a wheel in order to get 30k coins, if it was 300k some would still feel the same, as it being a waste of ingots to get coins. Solution: Replace the reward, 20 coupons, or something else entirely would be appreciated.
    Coupons - I personally believe this is an okay reward too.
    Vouchers - These would be okay, if probability of getting one would be higher, like this, it seems like a bait. Checking previous events for rewards that weren't vouchers, all i got to say is - please do not return 500 cultivation to the wheel. While it is something that cannot be obtained in a shop, but rather just in survival, i believe we have more than enough of them. Solution: replacing reward with something more enticing for a player.
    Purification - Getting 2x of them is okayish, barely above 20 ingots that are needed to be spent in order to spin the wheel, but okay never the less.
    Ninja/Ninja Pack - While another ninja, or a pack of fragments for a ninja is an awesome reward, it follows what i said about Ninja above. Solution: give more enticing ninja's, something people would be happy to fish for.

    Santa's Mobilization - Good free event, nothing bad about how it works. Giving Hashirama outside of pulls is nice too, as is Jiraya Sage Mode. Pain is outdated, but even so, it is better than Animal Path Pain we got in the wheel. Suggestion: there is one thing that rubbed me the wrong way in this event and that's the number of fragments one can get as a f2p. 7-8 Hashirama frags, 29ish Pain frags and 17,5 Jiraya frags. Please, please please, even number of fragments. I mentioned this before, but for example 10 Hashirama frags, 40 Pain frags, 20 Jiraya frags - even numbers, so people know, in 7 more f2p events they can get Hashirama, in 1 more event they can get that Pain, in 3 more events they can get Jiraya, etc.

    Wishing Lantern - Good free event, best event this week, one thing that many complained about and i agree with them is that you only get highest reward. For example, i personally want those 3x medium refine runes, so i need to time my lantern and not offer any support, nor send out requests to recieve them. Solution: Provide all rewards. Not counting the last reward - that everyone get anyway, combining all previous rewards would net us: 65k coins, 10 coupons, 5 purification runes, 3x medium refine runes and 3x low refine runes, as well as 11 Hidan frags. Not much, yet would of made community happier.

    Daily Special - Not seeing all the days, i can't speak with full knowledge, but from what i saw thus far it isn't promising. Rewards beyond that of ninja's are okay i presume, but, i am yet to see a person who got excited to see magatama's or scrolls on discount, being how that discount is usually 10%. Yes, i know vouchers count on them too, but than again, i am yet to hear anyone on my server spent a voucher on those. As for ninja's, well some of them thus far are overpriced, like Konan, other's are completely unneeded like Choza. I mean why add Choza in a month when Choji GNW is a monthly reward ? Solution: Standardize prices of ninja's across all events, so when a discount event like this happens, people actually feel like they got a discount.

    7 Days of Welfare - Same notice as above. Without seeing full 7 days of it, what i write might be changed, but overall picture is formed, for better or worse. Recharging for this event is not very tempting to be completely honest. Recharging 500 nets you 50 more coupons, 1 gingerbread and 20000 coins. 2000 recharge gives you 2 more gingerbreads, 5 purification runes and 50000 coins. Last Recharge, a full 100euro's/dollars ones give you 5 more gingerbreads, 20% discount voucher and 2 seal scrolls. So, for a 100 bucks one gets 50 coupons, 5 purification runes, 2 seal scrolls, 20% discount voucher and 8 gingerbreads. Free side of this event has seen mixed success/approval from my server at least. Day one was horrendous, 80 instances to complete for 25 coupons and lee fragments, needing to spend 4 pots and disregarding everything else in a day. Day two was amazing, practically being a free event that everyone completed and got 30 coupons, lee fragments, some coins and a stamina pot. Day three was good, worse than day two, but immeasurably better than day 1. Day 4 was okayish - thus far day one was the worst, all tho a f2p needed to spend some coupons to get it, it wasn't undoable. Day 5 ... oh gosh, i really do not see why do you guys push Tendo treasure on us this hard, if it was Kage or Sage Naruto treasure, it would of been better, like this, people rightly fear/think that you want to milk us for our money rather than making us spend it happily. Solution: Personally think you value gingerbread a lot more than it is actually worth to us as players. Free side of the event should of been rescaled so as to give less advantage to people that do spend. Example would be 2/4/6/8 ranked battles. I won't really comment on sealed scroll ones, as they are not worth it however you look at it.

    Final thoughts. Wanting to make money off of a game is completely natural, it is a business, it supports jobs, so monetizing a game is nothing revolutionary. What i personally believe is that there is no need to alienate your player base by putting a high value on imaginary currency (ingots), and from my humble view, value of ingots compared to money is disproprtianate. Balance needs to be struck, as if ingots are worth a lot more it creates a bigger gap between spenders and those who cannot afford to spend on a game, but it shouldn't be reached in a manner like this, providing lackluster rewards for events or part of events being completely unreachable/unreasonable. There will always be those that complain about events. There is no way to make everyone happy, but over 50 pages of complaints, all through they are sometimes poorly worded or on other times right off the bat insults should serve as a kind of pointer that players are expecting more. Maybe we wouldn't, maybe if we didn't know what other servers were getting for rewards we would be content, but we do know, and it seems, we all - spenders and not spenders alike - wish for better rewards. Spenders want events that they feel are worth their money, and power of free events should match it in turn. Final suggestion: please try giving us better rewards for a month, on par with BR, and you will, i am almost certain, see more money being spent on a game as well as less people complaining about events in general.

    This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:21 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:24 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:50
Nice post with problems and ways to solve them. Thx, that is i wanted to hear. I'll transfer it to admins.
Quicky Post

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