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[ Events ] Events - Dec 22nd


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On 2016-12-22 10:31:47Show All Posts
Welp if the exchange from free event are good then this week is a-ok
Ib4 100 point/neji gnw lol
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On 2016-12-23 01:22:14Show All Posts
Inb4 everyone is gased for pointing out bad things/comparing to literally every other versions ;P
Please change the forum rule and the way you manage your stuff :'(
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On 2016-12-23 01:22:52Show All Posts
  • xNicoleBabyx On 2016-12-23 01:17:47
  • Hey see for the "Daily Special" can we buy day 1 stuff when it is day 2?
Yes but not allowed to use voucher
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On 2016-12-23 16:34:03Show All Posts
  • Yasashii Fuyu On 2016-12-23 15:12:27
  • Yes I think you are overreacting. Like I said, we are talking about a team that is working their asses off to bring us updates at incredible speed, and just because some of the rewards are too stingy, you are calling for their heads (jobs..). That's what I'd call overreacting.

    Like I said, I do agree that the rewards are too stingy, and they have to know we are not happy, but there's that and there's what some people here are doing.

    I do have to say I am quite surprised that so many f2p players are complaining about the events being too you really think more generous events will benefit f2p players?? All that will do is widen the gap even MORE between f2p and p2w players, cause guess what, if you get more value in your f2p stuff, they'll have to make the p2w content more enticing as a result, else no one would spend money anymore. Just look at Taiwanese servers and stuff, where you can get like 500 coupons for a 1k ingot long does a f2p have to farm for 500 coupons?...

    As sad as it is, Oasis being so stingy is actually helping to keep the balance to some degree, and giving f2p a chance to stay relatively competitive. At least that's how I see it.
That's their job. Doing their job doesn't mean they can just sht on people however they like.
This is a baaaaaad event. What they're doing is WRONG. But I do agree that it's overreacting to fire people just because of a few mistake. That doesn't mean they can just get away with it. The one who've come up with this event ideal need to be punished because he screwed up the company's image.
Now, about the event, IT'S CHRISTMAS MAN. GIVE PEOPLE SOME GOOD DEAL (AND I MEAN BOTH FREE AND PAY PLAYER). How about you give free player something like Sasuke gayboi or iruka? How about you NOT RIG THE * WHEEL SO PAY PLAYER CAN GET A VOUCHER?
ALL THEY NEED TO DO IS MANAGE THE WHEEL AND THE LUCKY STAR EVENT LIKE THE LAST TIME. Remember that time when you always get 80 itachi frag for 10 spin? Remember that time when you can get Tenten gnw for ~800 coupon from Lucky Star event?

Guess what happen? Some one from the team must have though "the player dont deserve these, screw them let's raise everything's price up" and FCK UP EVERYTHING even though WE ARE THE ONE WHO FEED THEM. This post was last edited by mdr*** at 2016-12-23 16:35
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On 2016-12-24 02:45:42Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-24 02:55:54Show All Posts
  • Dym On 2016-12-24 02:48:22
  • It's not a secret what server Daiske plays on, have you tried asking him lol.
I know that ofcourse he does play on some server, even if he is a worker at oasis there's no reason for him to not playing. It's just that the info about his ingame character is not that wellknown despite his fuhrer position. And beside that don't you think it's a bit odd how he is on the company side even after all of this?
If all the mod are normal player just like yuu who play on our server then there must be something special about his "SUPAH" title. Even if he is not a worker he must be really really close to the company, and he is 100% not a normal player my any mean. This post was last edited by mdr*** at 2016-12-24 02:58
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On 2016-12-24 04:54:23Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2016-12-24 03:12:58
  • Why do you guys keep discussing about *ty things like if Daiske is the dev or whatnot. Why do we focusing on voting if Oasis should make a change?

    If you keep discussing if this ninja is useful or useless, how does it solve the fact that Oasis gives us *ty event. Just stop those discussion and figure out how we change these *ty events
We cant. You can yell at them, spamming the forum, report the facebook page, do whatever you want and oasis just simply wont change, exactly like the cold glance daiske gave you. If you're a free player you can just f off anytime and it wont affect them. If you are paid player then it's even worse since u have already wasted your money. Remember that time when all HK server got denied from convoy sage ninetail and they give everyone a seal + some coin, food and some bull**** no one even remember? Personally I lost 15 red refine + 100 event coin + 3m coin from that. You think they ever gonna at least try to give us the same deal as other server?
It has been going on for a long long time and now that they even got the best fb game prize (the hell was that anyway -_-) there is no way they're gonna stop. 88888 coins omg lucky as heck even though ur not allowed to talk about the chinese version lol.

tldr: Oasis has been VERY VERY cheap and they will continue to be until this game died
This post was last edited by mdr*** at 2016-12-24 04:57
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On 2016-12-24 11:03:01Show All Posts
  • Imorh On 2016-12-24 07:05:32
  • Daiske, I would however like to say...

    Your attitude and response to posts have changed drastically since a couple days ago, and I appreciate that.
I know that different version has different team, different forum and it's very * to go make thread like "china event info blah blah blah" then talk solely about their event. But this is the same game, and even though you guys can change some stuff we basically have always been and will continue to share their game content, for example we have gotten kaze treasure before kage treasure comes out and how we DEFINITELY WILL get the 2.0 update and then jinchuriki treasure soon (and nerf that tobi fast pls -_-). There is nothing wrong with looking at different server to get information about what we're getting next and spend our money correctly, player have the right to play smart. It is not "hey we're 100% going to get this" but "hey we're 90% going to get this". It is creating confusion if you talk about the other version event, but is NOT creating confusion when talking about the actual content because those things simply wont change, or not completely, so there is always legitimacy of taking a look at other faster updated game version like germany or brazil.
And about the event, yes asking for the exact event with other version is dumb. But what we are talking about here is how you treat your costumer compare to how the germans or brazilians treat their costumer, it is a comparision between companys' behaviours. You cannot cling onto the reason "we're a different company" to justify the fact that "our company treat the costumers worse than the others".
That's why I suggest you to tone down on this whole forbidding stuff, let the player share info about futuristic content and let the player compare your version to the others. It is simply evaluating like how you compare different kind of meat at the market. Once you've fixed your problem, treat us more nicely, we simply won't even need to bring up those comparison here. Going around deleting everything that slingtly mention brazil's sasuke ssn or think negatively is a very tyranny act and has badly damaged your company's image.
Imorh posted at 2016-12-24 07:05
Daiske, I would however like to say...

Your attitude and response to posts have changed drasticall ...
yeah totally!;P
what magic is this?:dizzy:
This post was last edited by mdr*** at 2016-12-24 11:07
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On 2016-12-24 11:06:11Show All Posts
yuu help me delet dis This post was last edited by mdr*** at 2016-12-24 11:08
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On 2016-12-24 12:32:35Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2016-12-24 12:13:35
  • Lol man. If Oasis does exactly like you said, all players will be happy and Oasis gonna loses its profit badly because you know when to spend money and the company just cant trick you into bad deal.

    If you think that Oasis gonna do that, probably the next 10 or 15 years they gonna do that when no one wants to play this game no more
Just recently my post telling a guy in general section to save up 200 seal and go for roshi in jinchuriki got deleted. And I even though they're going to be more open on the forum after all those daiske's post, super sad :'(
Are we gonna name change everything and implying everything now just to give player advice? "save up 200 seal and go for monkey dude in the big pet treasure that might come out (just guessing lol)"? "wait for the update that may happen that give everymain character extra set of skill"? "there maybe a update that nerf tobi's resurrect into something like sage chakra"?

btw mod I want that last update :L
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On 2016-12-24 15:43:14Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-24 15:20:43
  • 1st day - 80 instances (impossible if you haven't stack up stamina potion, which you probably used up last week)
    2nd day - 10 survival trials (that's like super easy...)
    3rd day - 12 arena wins (really? 12 wins? you know how long that's gonna take?)

    seriously... what's the logic?
not being 80 instances everyday is a good thing to help fix the problem, how are you still complaining :-s
now if they don't boost up the price of the new ninja that will probably come in this event then problem fixed and I will immidiately recharge to get that :lol
inb4 10k coupon darui/mei/danzo/bee or something like that lol
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On 2016-12-24 18:41:19Show All Posts
  • Serenade On 2016-12-24 16:45:26
  • You're right, 12 wins in arena is just insane. I'm totally skipping today's event, there's no way I can do that with so many p2w players on a recently merged server. :L
Idk I finished mine with a clone in like 30 min :)
But you have to agree with me that 12 arena wins is alot better than 80 instances right?
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On 2016-12-24 23:49:32Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2016-12-24 19:33:16
  • "There is nothing wrong with looking at different server to get information about what we're getting next"

    And this is where you are so wrong. This is one of the main problems and reasons why is it forbidden to talk about other versions. I've mentioned it several times, we have our own team and our schedule. However, we can make changes to our schedule. So I'm sorry but this rule will stay, it is forbidden to talk about other version.
No you get that completely wrong. Your team can change the event content, the price, the number, all that stuff, but not actual game content that must be present so that the game can move forward, especially content like ninja. What ninja we will get in the near future will not change because it goes along with the storyline, the meta balancing, all that stuffs is synchronized. Same for the rainbow matagama system, the new convoy system, new ninja system etc. Everything is connected. The developer is the one who worked their @ss out to make the game stable, balanced and fun. If you try to take out even 1 content (except that rolling cat or something like that) the whole system will break. What you do is you SCHEDULE them, just like what you say. You can change your SCHEDULE however you like, no one question that. But there is nothing wrong with saying "we will get those jinchuriki IN THE FUTURE", "in the future the ninja system with change so get all those star up",...
And I didnt say we are sure to get the exact content, I said if we look at them we can HAVE AN IDEAL how the future content will be like. You say this is a problem, main problem, but what is that? What bad things does that bring to the game community or you or oasis? People KNOW you guys change the schedule, that's why PEOPLE ARE ASKING FOR SHOP UPDATE, FOR 2.0 UPDATE, ETC AND ETC. Have I ever mention something that even has the slightest possibility of being changed in the future without saying "if they don't change anything then..."? Have ANYONE come up to you and asked "hey i though we're getting this but now it's this wtf"? NO NO AND NO, you can change the event, but not actual game content that's in the schedule, what is needed to happen so the game can move on.
So I ask you, what is the problem with mentioning future content? Other than your own pocket which btw you can nullify the damage easily. 2 month ago you deleted the thread with picture about "kage treasure", saying the same "we may change something so we dont wanna create confusion". WTH IS THAT CONFUSION YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, OTHER THAN PEOPLE NOT PAYING FOR THE KAZE TREASURE. But what happened, people still tell each other to not spend on that thing, they know even though u tried to conceal the information, so you give the kaze treasure together with a rebate hoping to bait some * money, not to mention the tendo + sage rebate. YOU DONT NEED TO DO THAT, ALL THE CONCEALING, THE BAITING, ETC... NO! JUST GIVE PEOPLE GOOD DEAL, REBATE FOR ALL THE TREASURE, TOGETHER WITH SUITABLE SPENDING REWARD AND THE MONEY WITH AUTOMATICALLY FLOOD OUT. PEOPLE CAN SEE THROUGH YOUR CONCEALING AND BAITING, AND THAT DOESNT DO GOOD FOR THE COMPANY IN THE LONG RUN.
And if the rule is to ban "talking about the other version", then what's wrong with "STATING A PROPHECY FOR OUR VERSION"? We dont mention other version, we're talking about the future of OUR OWN VERSION. Now, if you "illegitify" that, YOU YOURSELF CONFIRMED THAT WHAT WE SAID IS TRUE, YOU ACCEPT WHAT WE SAID IS OTHER VERSION CONTENT WITH IN TURN MAKE YOUR POST A VIOLATION OF THE SAME RULE.

All in all, if "we can make changes to our schedule" then yeah take your time. How about update the 2.0 version nor the tobi nerf a year later from now on so everyone can quit? But if I, or anyone mention the CONTENT, NOT THE TIME IT WILL BE UPDATE then dont get all triggered and delete out post, since WE'RE NOT SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION NOR CREATING CONFUSION.

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On 2016-12-25 01:03:27Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2016-12-25 00:32:12
  • Last time I've checked, I was in team that is taking care of this version and it's players so I would like to know from where are you getting the courage to tell me what we can and can't do if you don't know what we can and can't do.

    It's totally different when someone says "we will get those jinchuriki treasure in the future" and "we will get that or that function/character in 2 weeks/months etc".
First like I said, the developer created this game through all the hard work balancing stuffs. And as long as what happened everything has been going at the exact process as we know it: Battle armor, Matsuri, shop update 1, kaze treasure, kage treasure, Purify, etc. Yes you guys take care of the "process" in which things are updated. More content = more gameplay, more recharge. I know how global game with different version/region works and I have the courage to say that you guys can't straight up delete a content from existent or "never update that". First, it will screw up the game and crash the server if done incorrently. Even if you have the ability to fix that consider you even worked at the developer team and your skill is so good you can make it 100% bug clear, there is no reason for you to do that because: Second, more content = more gameplay (help growing the community) = more recharge = more money for you. Let say you delete jinchuriki treasure, the game crashed like shiet so u have to work ur *** off overnight to fix thing. Then the reanimated treasure comes out without the previous content, messed up the whole power balance since many ninja work with/counter each other. You lose 1 treasure = all the money that should have gone to that treasure now gone. The player base won't stay on this whole chaotic mess and move onto Fairy Tail or smt. I believe you and your team are all sane people and would never do that.

Second, I totally acknowledge the fact that u guys can, have, and will, change the schedule, the speed, the process of the update. So like you said, what I'm asking here is not the right to say "we will get that or that function/character in 2 weeks/months etc", but the right to say "we will get those jinchuriki treasure in the future". And it seems like you agree with me on that topic :P

So we're allowed to say that, right? :P That's all I wanted

Merry christmas and a happy new year fam :handshake
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On 2016-12-25 09:41:48Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2016-12-25 03:25:43
  • So my apology If I misunderstood your point. And I have just one little question that if it's possible that all our feedback could be forwarded to the team that is running Naruto Online in NA because if it's not there is no point to have this forum
Don't you guys get it? Daiske IS in the team that is running NO in NA, that's why he is the super mod unlike other mod which are normal players, that's why I tried to sort things out with him but not the other mod.Btw Dai will you guys ever gonna hold an offline meeting for the game? :D
This post was last edited by mdr*** at 2016-12-25 09:44
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On 2016-12-26 14:57:01Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-26 15:11:43Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-26 15:17:50Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-26 15:19:37Show All Posts
The original post about what everyone is doing in their holiday is deleted by mod probably for privacy reason
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On 2016-12-26 17:23:27Show All Posts
Quicky Post

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