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[ Help ] kage treasure or sage?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-21 02:43:56Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-21 02:01:07
  • In long run as I saw in other version of this game, most people don't even use Kage ninjas. The only ninja they still using is Killer Bee which everyone will eventually get him free as we level up. They already moved on to Jinchuriki and Edo ninjas, but on the other hand Sage Naruto just got his skill book upgrade and it pretty nasty, I won't go in details about how he changed but I guarantee he still rocking hard and can stand the test of time.
    So imo Sage Naruto is better in the long run, at least til now.
    Pull 1 or 2 rare from Kage then stop unless you aim for Sasuke or Ay, after just pull Sage till you get Sage Naruto and save your scroll for later treasure. This post was last edited by inf*** at 2016-12-21 03:56
The youtubers you end up seeing are top tier people. Those that aren't too far off from the top 25 we have here.

The Kage ninja, especially those with passive barriers, are still viable and still very useful. Not everybody can get themselves a Cursed Hidan, Roshi, Hokage Tsunade, or Kurama-link Naruto. And even then, those ninjas become needed when Ninja Exams reach the 140s.

It's a matter of risk. The Kage ninja are going to be useful for a long, long time. But so is Sage Naruto, especially with skill books. It's possible to piece together a Sage Naruto, now more than ever, so if you're not rushed and don't care, just slowly pick up fragments.

Pulling a Sage Naruto in Sage will be the best feeling in the world. Pulling an Ao will be the worst. Ask if the reward outweighs the risk
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-21 03:02:37Show All Posts
  • juve89 On 2016-12-21 02:57:18
  • what is this skill book both of you are mentioning?
    and the one above you said sage naruto got his skill book upgraded? what did he mean by that.

    this skill book is the ninja tool for level 80?
I don't want to explain this, as the mods are bit jumpy about bringing up China's content, as it can spark discussions about when they'll be implemented. And Big Brother doesn't want that.

If you would like to know more yourself, then look up 'fu kenson' on YouTube. He recently made a nice video detailing what this new system is. 'ScionStorm' also made a video, focusing on characters one by one, so you can look that up as well.
Quicky Post

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