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[ Help ] kage treasure or sage?


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On 2016-12-20 02:55:02Show All PostsDescending Order
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first of all at what level are kage and sage treasure?

i am following narulith post on earth main.
he suggests to try for kage first but sage naruto is very useful and said to use him too.

what would you suggest me to do? go for kage or try till i get sage naruto and than go for kage?

right now i have 55 seal scrolls and im level 56 but very near to 57 less than 100k exp needed.

i will wait for a seal scroll event to use mine, its the best choice right?

thank you
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On 2016-12-20 03:06:29Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2016-12-20 02:58:16
  • Hello,

    Sage treasure is available on level 60.
    Kage treasure is available on level 70.
thank you daiske :)
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On 2016-12-20 03:35:33Show All Posts
from what treasures can you get yamato too?

so no suggestions?
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On 2016-12-20 21:14:44Show All Posts
any more taught's or advice?
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On 2016-12-20 21:52:00Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-20 21:39:35
  • Sage Naruto treasure is simply that, Sage Naruto, nothing else in the treasure is good, what you get in Kage Treasure won't be wasted draws. Imagine getting Ao at 60 draws in the Sage Naruto treasure, 60 scrolls for a 10 scroll kage ninja..would be awful
for real?

i want sage naruto only from sage chest thats all.
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On 2016-12-20 21:52:45Show All Posts
  • Overmain On 2016-12-20 21:39:36
  • Depends what do u need? If u want Naruto/Orochimaru go for Sage if just Ao Kage is better.
i want sage naruto

for the rest dont know, will see with kage treasure.
so from sage i will use only sage naruto and will see how AO is or would be in team
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On 2016-12-20 23:56:58Show All Posts
any more ideas?

i really want sage naruto, but dont know how much seal scrolls i would need to use to get him.

but is he really that much good?
will he work with earth main?

like i said first post im following narulith's post on earth main and he said to get sage naruto for sure.
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On 2016-12-21 02:57:18Show All Posts
  • DraconusNex On 2016-12-21 02:43:56
  • The youtubers you end up seeing are top tier people. Those that aren't too far off from the top 25 we have here.

    The Kage ninja, especially those with passive barriers, are still viable and still very useful. Not everybody can get themselves a Cursed Hidan, Roshi, Hokage Tsunade, or Kurama-link Naruto. And even then, those ninjas become needed when Ninja Exams reach the 140s.

    It's a matter of risk. The Kage ninja are going to be useful for a long, long time. But so is Sage Naruto, especially with skill books. It's possible to piece together a Sage Naruto, now more than ever, so if you're not rushed and don't care, just slowly pick up fragments.

    Pulling a Sage Naruto in Sage will be the best feeling in the world. Pulling an Ao will be the worst. Ask if the reward outweighs the risk
what is this skill book both of you are mentioning?
and the one above you said sage naruto got his skill book upgraded? what did he mean by that.

this skill book is the ninja tool for level 80?
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On 2016-12-21 19:49:37Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-21 03:54:46
  • Well if we know what is coming, some of us who have enough patience will be able to get these ninjas easily.
    People who can save their seal from now and manage to keep up will be reward later with Cursed Hidan, Roshi, Hokage Tsunade, Kurama Naruto or other ninjas.
    It's just an advice, do it or not or be able to do it is depend on that person situation. :lol
    Also if you want to use Sage Naruto skill book he need to be at least 4 star so that 80 frags come from sage treasure help big time. Beside that if someone decide to get his skill book and his skill experience to legendary I'm sure that person will want him to be at 5 stars. This post was last edited by inf*** at 2016-12-21 03:59
how can you make sage naruto 4 or 5 stars?
with events? with sage treasure?
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On 2016-12-22 01:59:02Show All Posts
  • Numbers On 2016-12-22 01:50:16
  • Whoever is telling you to go straight up for kages is either a spender or someone who gets a GNW pack everyweek which means they already got their sage naruto and unless you already got a good set of ninjas the kage ones alone wont do any difference for you. Not to mention the only few gamebreaking ones you can get id say are chojuro darui gaara and mei since the rest are meh or supports and the really good ones cost a ton of scrolls. Chances of you getting any of those are very low and you might have to end up using alot of scrolls to get one. Compared to that as the meta currently is with 180 in sage treasures you get both AO and Naruto which atm is still on top of the list. Ao is also a common ninja in kage pack too but id say dont go do pulls on kage and instead save for the next treasure which will come in a few months. I heard that in the new ones i think its 250 scrolls to get either Son Goku or the Unicorn guy depending on which you use the scrolls. I might be wrong on the numbers but what i can assure you is that my sage naruto is still doing work and i dont think he can be replaced easily for non spenders or ltl spenders. Just my opinion tho so you decide yourself whats best.

    This post was last edited by Numbers at 2016-12-22 01:58
i think i will go for sage treasure than to get AO and Sage naruto too than.
true those rare on kage will cost lots of seal scrolls which i cant afford to spend alot.
i did spend little and i can spend only a few bucks a month nothing more.

someone on this post said to get sage naruto 4 or 5 stars for the future updates that have on chinese servers.
how can you get him 4 stars or more? continue doing sage treasure and maybe get his frags or getting frags from events?

thanks that what i wanted to hear to be honest :)
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On 2016-12-22 02:37:13Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-22 02:23:55
  • Sage naruto will be the meta for a long long long long time. Especially if you're a semi p2w player. Bc the new treasures will require ton of pulls for the big boys. Sage will last for for at least a year and onward unless you plan on spending heavy on the nezt few teasures which i can assure wont be 80 percent of the people on this forum. Even the heavy spenders like myself will fade away and get replaced, but sage naruto will still be amazing.
ok than hahaha
well if sage naruto is so strong how can i upgrade his stars? continue doing seal treasure after you get him maybe you get his frags? or in each event i go for his frags for rewards? or there is some other way?

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On 2016-12-22 02:58:11Show All Posts
  • まだまだ On 2016-12-22 02:50:35
  • Getting a Gnw pack every week is super easy, at the very least every other week. Pulling Kage treasure is definitely worth it to do before going for naruto. Getting Two rares from Kage treasure can get you teams like Wind Main Mabui Killer Bee Gaara (better than pretty much any sage naruto team right now) Or maybe you get Mei and Chojuro as your two rares, since Ao is a common you can now run Water Main Mei Ao Chojuro, pretty solid team. Now if you go for sage naruto and end up having to do 120 scrolls there, you would end up with maybe sage naruto and ao or sage naruto and orochimaru, with nothing else useful in any way from the commons. way less value going to that treasure before trying your luck in kage as a chance at mei is way better than a chance at sage naruto and the kage treasure has other ninja that make it not so bad if you dont get her
i cant spend much so if i do like you suggest it will take me ages to get enough seal scrolls to get sage naruto afterwards.
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On 2016-12-22 05:22:37Show All Posts
no one responded to this still.

how can you get sage naruto frags after you get him?
from events only or you can get them from sage treasure?

since if i get him i would like to upgrade him so he is stronger.
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On 2016-12-22 05:32:14Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2016-12-22 05:29:57
  • events mostly as u need another 60 pulls for a chance at 20 frags after u own him
ok than.
it wouldnt be worth going for sage just for frags of sage. right?
thank you
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On 2016-12-22 05:36:25Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2016-12-22 05:33:48
  • right, get the whole ninja from the treasure and then frags from events
thanks for responding to my question :)
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